Chapter Two

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Chapter Two Bad First Impressions

"He's my dog." I replied to the curly haired boy. He immediately released Hurricane when I claimed him; Hurricane came and stood beside me. I stood there awkwardly as I waited for the boy to introduce himself to us. After a minute of waiting for the boy to talk, I rolled my eyes I was never the one to wait patiently.

I stuck my hand out, "I'm Kendall."

He smiled as he took my hand in his. "Hey Kendall," My eyebrows rose when he flipped my hand over in his. Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a pen and began to write on my hand. "It was really nice to meet you." He flashed me a grin as he ruffled my brown hair.

My eyes went wide as I looked down at my hand. There, written in unique cursive writing, was what I'm guessing was his name. I looked down at my hand again to make sure I was seeing what I thought I saw. My fist clenched at my sides as I tried to calm myself down but I knew the only thing that would make that happen.

"Ken, don't do it." I could hear Chaire's voice in the background as I pushed my way towards the jerk.

"Good luck trying to stop her." Liv chimed in when I reached the boy.

"Hey, Louis," I called out his name. Before I knew what had happened he was holding his jaw while he was laying on the ground. His wise blue eyes shone with so much anger, it could have intimidated the right person, but not me. I smirked as he jumped off the ground and waited for his response.

"What the hell was that for?" He yelled as he rubbed his jaw. I would have felt bad for him but his name was still on my hand and it was pissing me off.

I held my hand up and pointed to it with my other hand. "That was for this." I replied.

He mumbled something along the lines of 'crazy' but that just enraged me even more. My fist had a mind of its own as it rose and attempted to strike the boy again.


I groaned when my twin brother, Andrew, caught my fist. "What did I tell you about not being so violent towards people?" He asked, with a smirk. I didn't even have to turn around to know it was him. He is the only one that calls me Blake and he was the only one brave enough to stop me.

I rolled my eyes, "You told me not to hit them unless they deserved it. But believe me he deserved it." I replied. Andrew looked at me and shook his head. He knew that no matter what he said, I'd still just do what I wanted.

I hadn't noticed that four more boys were watching the scene unfold. Strangely one of them caught my eye. His baby blue eyes were staring straight at me, a goofy grin plastered on his face; he was the only one laughing at his friend's bad luck.

I sent a smirk his way and a middle finger as well. He frowned. I shook my head as I turned back to see what Andrew was doing.

Most of the town's adults had gone back to what they were doing. But a few teens and kids were still curious about the visitors. I, on the other hand, only stayed because of Liv and Chaire. Chaire had her eyes on one of the boys who had black hair with a blonde streak in the middle. I'll admit he was cute.

"You didn't have to hit him." Chaire said as she came back with a bag of ice. Louis mumbled a 'thank you' to her. She returned it with a smile. She was too nice for her own good. If that were me, I would have let his face swell up. He deserved it.

"But it was fun to watch." Liv said as she looked at us. I nodded my head in agreement. Just then a blush made its way on Liv's face. My eyebrows rose, but I quickly understood when I saw Jacob walking toward us.

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