Chapter 8: Genius In Peril

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Lars's POV:


I was getting kind of stressed by now. I'd been working my head off the entire day, and to top it off, two Go Jetters were now gone.

When I'd been promoted to a Jetter, I never expected anything like this to happen. I bet nothing in the Academy history could be in any way related to this incident.

I decided to go for a spin in the Truckster to clear my mind.

As I was walking to the small vehicle hut where I keep it, I saw Foz catch sight of me and run up to me.

"Where you going, Lars?" he asked worriedly. I knew what he was thinking: that I might end up disappearing as well.

"I'm just going for a ride in the Truckster for a short while." I replied "You want to come with?"

He just shrugged and answered "Sure, why not?" and followed me to the hut. We got into the Truckster, but didn't bother with the countdown or the seatbelts. I slowly drove the Truckster out and headed for the sea. Foz switched on its water mode as it leapt into the air and made a huge splash as it made contact with the ocean.

Since I wanted to take a small break from my thoughts (that's the entire reason why we were there), I started doing a few spins, being careful not to make Foz feel sick or anything.

As for him, he was staring at the water for some reason, serenely keeping silence between us. I then noticed him squint at something. He peered over the side over the vehicle, obviously trying to find something. Whatever it was, I don't know.

Foz's POV:

I looked into the water for no reason whatsoever, not exactly knowing what to say. We'd all been through tough times lately, but I didn't know how to spark conversation in situations like this without making it awkward.

Just then, I saw something in the water. I leaned over the side of the Truckster to try and figure out what on Earth that- those were.

I managed to make out two glowing red dots next to each other, seeming like eyes. The rest of whatever those lights were attached to was either invisible or blue like the rest of the water.

Strange, I thought.

"What is it, Foz?" Lars's voice suddenly broke the silence, snapping me back into reality. I noticed he's stopped his little spins, and the Truckster was completely still.

"I'm not sure." I answered "These red... things are in the water, but I can't see what-" I was suddenly interrupted by a very sudden wave capsizing the Truckster and making us two tumble into the water.

Lars's POV:

"These red... things are in the water, but I can't see what-" Just then, a huge (also very unexpected because the water was completely calm before) wave made the Truckster topple over, making Foz and I fall with a great SPLASH! into the water.

I instantly started kicking up toward the surface, forgetting everything around me, my instincts taking me over.

I broke the surface, coughing and sputtering. While regaining my breath, I panted "That was a bit odd, wasn't it Foz?"

No reply.

"Foz?" I called. I started searching round for him, but he was gone.

I took a deep breath and dived back under to try and find him. It didn't take long before I noticed two red glowing eyes on a huge black form. They were, of course, those blobs that Foz had seen before.

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