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San looked over to Wooyoung who was sitting down on their bed. Their bed. It felt nice to say that.

It had been a couple of weeks since San had moved into Wooyoung's apartment and he had gotten his remaining deposit for the dorm back, as the purple-haired male had promised. By now, San had also successfully switched his major into culinary and although he had only been in his new classes for a week or so, he absolutely adored it.

He had not stopped ranting about what desserts he was going to make and what new techniques he had learned and Wooyoung was glad. In the couple of months he had known San, he hadn't seen the older male this happy.

"Hey, Woo?" San called and the purple-haired male hummed. He was currently finishing up his last paper for one of his classes. Wooyoung quickly finished up whatever he was typing, before looking up at San, who was leaning against the doorframe.

"What should I make for my midterms? We need to use one of the techniques that we learned recently and I don't know what to make," San whined as he pushed himself off the doorframe and walked over to their bed. He plopped down, resting his head on Wooyoung's lap, as the younger pushed his laptop away.

Wooyoung thought for a moment. Because his parents were wealthy, he had been exposed to a lot of fancy foods ever since he was a little child, so he had some experience with fancy dishes. As he began to list off foods, San stopped him.

"How about a souffle?" he asked and Wooyoung nodded.

"Yeah I've never made any before but I heard they're hard to make," Wooyoung told San who shrugged. "The roux is the hardest part but if you're careful, it should be simple," Wooyoung only nodded, having no idea what a 'roux' was.

San sat up, quickly pressing a kiss to Wooyoung's lips before bounding out of the room, shouting a loud "Thanks Wooyoungie" in the process. The purple-haired male watched in amusement before shaking his head and grabbing his laptop to finish up his work.


"So...how is it?" San asked, bouncing up and down in excitement as he watched Wooyoung take a bit of the souffle he had made. Turns out, it was quite hard to get the roux to the right consistency without it burning and San had underestimated that.

Wooyoung chewed, thinking before replying, "It's good. Really good, but I think you should add a bit more things into the fillings. Like make more of a variety," Wooyoung suggested and San nodded.

"Here, try some. I think you'll see what I mean," Wooyoung said as he scooped some and put it up to his lover's mouth. San ate happily and nodded. The purple-haired male was right.

"Mm, ok. It's a bit plain right now but I think that if I add some cheese or some kind of meat or something, it'll be really good," San rambled and Wooyoung nodded, continuing to eat the rest of the souffle.

San rushed back into their bedroom, reemerging with a notepad and pen. Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, giving the older male a questioning look.

"I'm going to list all the different varieties I can make and I'm going to make some of them now and some of them later on in class," San explained and Wooyoung nodded, putting the empty dish into the sink.

"I wanna watch you, pretty baby," Wooyoung smirked as he saw San's ears turn a lovely shade of red. The dark-haired male glared at his lover.

"S-Shut up!"

And all Wooyoung could do was laugh as he lovingly watched his soulmate.


"So I decided to add some cheese and ham into it and it tasted really good!" San rambled to Yeosang, who was listening just as excitedly. Jongho could only blink in confusion. He had no idea what was happening since he and Wooyoung had just joined the two. Their classes had ended at the same time and they decided to meet Yeosang and San, who were at the picnic tables under the trees, together.

"Uh, what's happening?" Yeosang turned enthusiastically to his soulmate.

"Jongho! Sannie made us these fancy cake thingies!" Yeosang held up a small ramekin and Jongho sat down beside Yeosang, inspecting the cake looking thing that seemed to rise out of the utensil.

"What is this?" he asked curiously and San grinned proudly as he said, "A souffle,"

Wooyoung sat down beside his lover, pressing a soft kiss to his temple as he murmured "Hey, pretty baby," and San blushed, huffing in embarrassment. He was just glad that his two friends were distracted by the souffle.

"Try it and tell me what you think. This is what I'm going to present in my midterms. I mean I have to write a paper on it and the techniques too, but tell me what you think and what I can improve on," San urged the two males to eat as he pulled out 2 small plastic spoons from his bag.

"None for me?" Wooyoung pouted and San rolled his eyes.

"Nope. You and I ate more than enough yesterday. Besides," San rummaged through his bag before pulling out a small container. "Seonghwa hyung made this really fancy strawberry jelly cheesecake thing for his and Hongjoong hyung's anniversary and he gave us some," the dark-haired male opened the container to showcase a really pretty cake.

At the top of the cheesecake was a layer of clear, red jelly with a small strawberry heart inside it. Wooyoung stared at the cake in amazement.

"Wow, that's pretty," Yeosang commented as he pushed aside the empty ramekin. Wooyoung glared up at his best friend and shook his head, pulling the cake closer to himself.

"Yeah, and it's for me and Sannie. Not for you hippos," Wooyoung snapped and Jongho could only let out a loud laugh at Yeosang's offended expression.

"Excuse me! Hippos? Us? No, no, no honey. You got it all wrong. We're all skinny legends here aside from you. You're the only hippo here," Yeosang huffed and Wooyoung could only roll his at his best friend's excuse.

"Mm, whatever you say. By the way Sannie," Wooyoung reverted his attention back to San who was looking at the cake. "Tell Seonghwa hyung I said thank you," the dark-haired male nodded before snatching the cake out of his soulmate's grasp. Wooyoung only whined as San began eating it.

"Here you whiny baby," San held up a spoonful of cake to Wooyoung's mouth and the younger male grinned in victory as he ate the cake.

"This is good," San complimented as he continued to eat the cake. Wooyoung smirked slyly before saying, "Not as good as your souffle, though,"

San rolled his eyes once again.

"You're only saying that because you're not a big fan of sweets," San told Wooyoung, who pouted.

"Don't doubt yourself, baby. I really did like the souffle more," Wooyoung told his lover and San could only smile, shaking his head as he gave Wooyoung a pointed look.

"Ok, ok. Maybe I did say that because I don't like sweets, BUT, that doesn't mean I didn't like it," Wooyoung insisted and San smiled, leaning over to peck Wooyoung's lips.

"Ew, keep it PG, please. There are young children here," Yeosang whined as he covered Jongho's eyes. The younger male rolled his eyes as he pulled his lover's hand away from his eyes.

"Sangie, we both know that that's not what you're saying when it's us in their position," Jongho calmly told the pink-haired male, who blushed. Wooyoung laughed and San grinned at Yeosang's embarrassment.

"You're no fun,"

"I love you too,"

Please excuse the mistakes. I tried to edit it but I have the patience of a one-year-old so I only skimmed through the chapter.

Anyways, if you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment and follow me!

Lots of love,

- Luna 🥴

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