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He's gone again I know he cheating on me I wish he's just tell me it hurts me more knowing he's lying verses being honest with me so here I am sitting in the bathroom slicing my arm I'm not good enough for dean if I was he wouldn't be with someone else he thinks I don't know but I know I slowly stopped eating lack of sleep I get a phone call it's roman he worries about me he sees me braking but dean doesn't
Roman-oh seth what's wrong
Seth-he left again
Roman-do you know where
Seth-to his other persona house
Roman-I'm sorry
Seth-I wish he would be honest with me
Roman-I'm coming over
Seth-please don't
Roman-seth rollins did you cut again
Seth-maybe why does it matter no one cares dean obviously doesn't care
Roman-seth your slowly killing yourself
Seth-so being lied to and taken as fool by someone you've been with for 5 years who promises to always love you and protect you decides to brake that promise for someone better
Roman-seth you can't keep doing this I can't lose my brother
Seth-you won't lose me I've already lost dean I wish he's just brake it off with me
Roman-seth can I come over
Seth-no I'm going to sleep
Roman-when was the last time you ate or slept
Seth-3days who
Roman-wasn't dean with you
Seth-nope he came back last night then left agin irl when I'll see him again
Roman-ugh imma kill him
Seth-why he's already killing me I gotta go
Roman-seth wait
I hung up before roman could finish I make my way to the bed and lay down after covering the cuts on my arms and putting on a long sleeve shirt maybe dean wants me dead...I think as I drift to sleep wishing I'd never wake up but I know I will

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