Dolph opens deans eyes

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Dean woke up looking him and Seth dolph came in And sat on deans bed
Dolph-how are you
Dean-I'm alright
Dolph-what's that
Dean you favorite picture of me and seth
Dolph-wow you love him
Dean-I do but I love Renee
Dolph-what about Renee do you love
Dean-her sense of humor her attitude wit wrestlers
Dolph-that's it
Dolph-what do you love about seth
Dean-hmm his beautiful brown eyes his smile his laugh even his evil laugh the fact he's do anything for me no matter the consequences that might come after his humor his strength his will to protect everything
Dolph-wow that's a lot
Dolph-dean are you sure you love Renee
Dean-I do don't i
Dolph-if you do then why did you only name 3 things about her and if you did you wouldn't of slept with Seths picture dean think about it
Dean-wow dolph Your right I love Seth and being without him made me realize that but how do I get him to realize it
Dolph-hmm idk but before you try to get him back think hard about it because if you pick seth than cheat again seth will be devastated jus think more you got the time seth is still in rehab
Dolph leaves dean to think and think dean will do because he is close to deciding

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