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As Roman was talking to dean I'm making my way to seth and deans house I'm like Roman I fear seth will kill himself or worse idk why dean is being like this I know it isn't him I finally get to Seths house he left the door unlocked he probably hasn't been down since dean left
Sami-seth we need to woah seth
Sami-what are you doing
Seth-I can't I can't leave me alone just leave me alone
Sami-seth please calm down let me get a rag
Seth-NO let me bleed out please sami why why
Sami-why you cut your arms I'm surprised you have skin left
Seth-I don't feel the lain it feels calming
I wrap up Seths arm he puts a long sleeve shirt on
Seth-how long will dean be gone
Sami-a week
Seth-i figured
Sami-seth this isn't healthy
Seth-what is healthy tell me sami why am I always the one getting hurt why me why me always me
Seth hits the ground again and cries his eyes out seth is so broken I wrap my arms around him and lay him down in the bed he cries himself to sleep I leave house to give roman an update as I get to mine and romans house he's sitting around the table when he sees me he smiles than it fades when he sees my reaction
Roman-how bad is it
Sami-I'm surprised he has skin left
Roman-seth hurt his arms that bad
Sami-yea he told me to let him bleed out
Roman-ugh dean I wanna kill but if I do seth will hate me
Sami-I'm worries babe
Roman wraps me in a hug I'm not good with this stuff I can't lose my best friend because dean is being selfish

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