Chapter 9

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They were all in the park in the afternoon.  Dolly and Spike watched the puppies while Dylan and Summer lay on the grass and watched the clouds.
With Dolly and Spike:

Spike: Dolly, what would you say for a getaway tomorrow night?

Dolly: where to?

Spike: Let this be a surprise.

Suddenly, Spike heard rustling in the bushes as he walked over to see what was making a sound but found nothing.

Dolly: What was that?

Spike: Probably nothing.

Meanwhile, in another part of the park:

???:Was close.  I need to be more careful.

After an hour of fun in the park, it's time to go home.  In it, Dolly and Dylan prepared dinner.  Moments later, my parents returned home.  When all the puppies were asleep, Spike decided to go to the park.  At the park, someone blinded his eyes and put him to sleep, then took him in the opposite direction, but he didn't know Fergus was watching everything.

To be continued ...

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