Part 4

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A/N: Guess what I did? I made a discord server! So as you could guess it's Sander Sides so yeah,

Roman’s Pov

I fixed my hair in the mirror, a confident smile on my face.

“Alright Roman you got this. Just walk down there and tell him, you can do it.”

I was walking downstairs when I heard yelling.

“Remus...what is that!”

‘That sounded like Virgil.’

“He said I could! He asked me to do it again. Right love?”

‘Love? Since when is Remus dating someone?’

I didn’t catch the response but did hear Virgil sigh before sitting down. I finished walking down the last few steps to find Virgil glaring daggers at Remus who seemed happier than normal.

“Come on Vee lighten up, you do it to me all the time.”

“Yeah but this is-oh hey princey.”

“Good morning everyone.”

“I walked into the kitchen where Patton was not hearing the rest of their conversation.

“Good morning Patton!”

“Morning kiddo, I have your pancakes right here.”

He handed me a stack of pancakes with whip cream and strawberries on top.

“Thank you Pat.”

“No problem kiddo.”

I sat in my normal spot on the right side of the table next to Remus across from Logan. I finished my food and went back to the kitchen.

‘Come on Roman you can do this you’re a prince for goodness sakes!’

I put my dishes in the sink and took a deep breath.

“Patton I need to tell you something!”

I turned meeting face to face with Logan. I met those dark navy blue eyes that seemed to sparkle. My heart was doing flips.

‘Has Logan always looked that cute? Wait what!? No Roman you’re here for Patton not the nerd.’

“What do you need kiddos?”

I shook my head turning back to my prince.

“I like you Patton, like, like you.”

I met Logan’s gaze again, a little annoyed we kept saying things at the same time. I turned back to Pattin who looked shocked. My heart was beating out of my chest as we waited.

Logan’s Pov

I walked downstairs and started the coffee maker. Patton was making breakfast with Remus helping.

‘That’s new, Remus normally isn’t even allowed in the kitchen.’

I grabbed my coffee thanking Patton as he handed me a plate of toast with crofters.

‘Come on Logan it’s not that hard. After breakfast just walk in there and tell him how you feel.’

I walked into the kitchen after breakfast behind Roman.

“Patton I need to tell you something!”

I turned to Roman meeting his green jade eyes. He bit his bottom lip, a small blush coming to his face. I shrugged it off as him being embarrassed or something strange before turning back to Patton.

“What do you need kiddos?”

“I like you Patton. Like, like you.”

I turned back to Roman sighing.

‘Well this is just awkward now.’

I turned back to my crush. That’s what it’s called right? A crush? Who was just standing there shocked.

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