Chapter 24: K.M.I

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"You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope

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"You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket." 

—Lish McBride

Kicks & Moving In

"You know just because I'm pregnant does not mean that I'm disabled. I can take my groceries inside without having you putting me in a time out." Giuliette sighs wrapping an arm around her 7-month bump. 

She's never been so excited. She's even counting the days left. Supposedly her due date is April 22nd, but with how active she is, she's sure that her baby is going to come a bit early. 

"Giuli don't even try arguing with me about this," Emily warns carrying her groceries.

 A month after finding out the gender, Emily asked Giuliette to move in with her. She didn't want to miss any milestones and knowing Giuliette, she would probably strain herself out without having someone with her. She had to fight with her plenty of times to stay in the office and do paperwork instead of going out in the field.

Emily's so excited for the baby. She has already bought her niece a closet worth of girly outfits for her to wear. She also can't wait to hold her in her arms and just watch one of her closest friends become a mom. 

Emily's been trying to avoid any questions about Giuliette to the team. The team in Quantico has been asking for her constantly and because of her promise to Giuliette, she never said a word about the baby, only that Giuliette's okay and working well. She feels bad for Spencer not knowing about the baby and him struggling with the loss of Giuliette and Maeve, but he kind of had it coming. 

Giuliette adapted to living with a roommate. And Emily has been a huge help. She helps cook, whenever Giuliette has a craving she goes and gets it, and even stopped drinking alcohol to support her. 

"Em!" Giuliette yells making Emily drop the groceries she was holding and run out to the living room. She lets out a sigh in relief noticing the genius laying on the couch smiling while holding her stomach. "She's moving," Giuliette whispers as if the baby could hear. 

Emily immediately but gently goes closer to her and lays a gentle hand on her stomach.  After a few moments, she could feel a kick and then another and another. Both women beamed. 

"A real kicker." Emily smiles looking at Giuliette as she laughs. 

"Yeah, constant kicks and moves. I swear she'll probably love soccer based on all these kicks." Giuliette jokes as Emily laughs. Then the room turned silent. "Hey Em." Emily looks up. 


"I've been thinking. For these few months, you've been amazing. You took care of us in so many ways. I would've been so lost and stressed out without you. You kept me sane and the baby healthy, which I will forever be grateful for. I know you don't agree with some of the things I do, but thank you for never going against them and always being there for me." Giuliette smiles looking at her friend. 

"You don't have to thank me Giuli, I would do it in a heartbeat," Emily says making Giuliette grab her hand. 

"Which is why I'm asking you if you want to be my baby's godmother?" Giuliette asks looking at her hopeful. 

"Y-you want me to be her godmother? Oh my god. Yes! Yes yes, a million times yes!" Emily yells hugging Giuliette hard. Then leaning a bit to her bump she says, "You're going to be so spoiled." Giuliette laughs. "Oh my god, I'm going to have a goddaughter. An actual goddaughter."Emily whispers getting up to finish putting the groceries away. Giuliette feels a harder kick to her stomach. 

"A hyper one," Giuliette calls out snacking on some pickles and ice cream. 

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