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9 am.
location : new york.
currently : thursday.
warning : cursing. :)

the sound of jungkook's alarm clock on his phone was loud as hell to the point where he was tempted to toss it out the window and head back to sleep. yet he knew he couldn't really do that because well, he has to work obviously.
a frustrated groan escaped his mouth as he sat up and dreaded the next part which was actually leaving the soft bed. wanting to just flop back down, he pushed through and slowly slid off and stood up. fixing his shorts, he scratched at his bare chest and sighed.
thursday. he thought, yes the week was almost over but still he wished it was saturday already.
walking to the restroom, he showered quickly to wake himself up and did his morning routine, which was brushing his teeth and getting dressed, and also fixing his wild hair .
slipping into some worn out jeans and a black tshirt, jungkook went to brush his teeth and fix his hair which in all honesty wasnt really that fixable but he at least attempted to tame it.

after the half hour morning routine, he made his way down the stairs in his apartment . yes, stairs in an apartment , his bedroom was on some sort of loft thing. he like it very much and was able to move freely and decorate freely with much space to be creative.
jungkook grabbed his carkeys, housekeys and wallet. stuffing all three into different pockets and holding his phone in his hand. walking out his place, he locked the door and head down another thing of stairs which led to the garage where everyones cars were.
the male walked to his car, a jet black challenger which was another one of his favorite items he owned besides his guitar and apartment.

his job was simple, he is an aspiring writer. yet he had his main job which was cleaning houses for money or doing yards and what not. now many might think that its not a high paying job, but it actually is. jungkook could earn 2,000 just by putting some damn sprinklers into the ground. so he was currently heading on his way to work, driving a bit slow than usual he looked around for the starbucks he visted pretty much every morning due to his coffee addiction.

he was gonna go through the drive thru but the line was too long as always so he just parked into a free space of the lot, got out and headed into the cafe. there wasnt much of a line so he just stood behind somebody and looked at the menu despite knowing what he was gonna get already. so waiting in line, he walked foward a few times until finally reaching the counter .

his usual cashier he would say hi to, but when he lifted his head he saw a whole new person, a candy pink haired boy with a big smile who looked nothing less than a whole angel, in which he quickly read the name 'hoseok' plastred on the nametag he wore to remember him by.

the barista who stood behind the register giggled softly at jungkooks staring and softly spoke "why goodmorning love! What can i get you today?" asking this with the big smile still on his face he awaited the male standing there with a ever so slightly ajard mouth.

jungkook quickly shook his head a bit to snap out of it and rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle "ah sorry, i would like an Iced coffee with extra Ice and only four pumps of liquid cane. " he said while continuing to look at the other. the barista nodded and placed the order in , "that will be $3.49 please." in which he paid for it with his card and moved over to wait for his drink. pulling out his phone amd scrolling through it, yet taking a glance at the barista, or well angel that was making his drink, a smile appearing on his ace again before going into a thinking mode. what am i randomly smiling for?... what is this?.. he asked himself and inhaled before exhaling .

8:30 am.
location : new york.
currently : thursday.

"shit shit shit shit -" hoseok cussed as he was quickly rumaging around his stuff and through out his room. it was his first day as a barista and he was already running behind schedule. which is not usally like him but he stayed up late practicing a new dance in which his body was sore but that was way in back of his mind right now, he was mostly focused on getting dressed and out the door as soon as possible.

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