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cont of chap two. \\

Hoseok grabbed the noodles from the cabniet and the chicken from the fride, also grabbing stuff to make homemade alfredo sauce with. He then looked over at jungkook and spoke softly, "Could you be a sweetheart and get a pot filled with water half way, a pan and put some oil in a measuring cup ~?" humming the last few words , the other male nodded and started getting all the requested things that were requested.

"Im not too good at these things but Im glad i could help you, even if only a bit" he said while smiling, hoseok smiling as well as jungkook then placed the pot on the stovetop, deciding to pull a little joke. "Whats the measuring cup for? The oils for the pan right? Can't i just-" he paused his words which made the younger male turn around to see jungkook playfully pretending to pour the oil directly on the pan. "Aish kookie , noooo!~" Hoseok had just got done with seasoning the chicken and quickly went to wash his hands before going to the other and playfully smacking his shoulder.

"What?- o w " he laughed instantly and rubbed his shoulder before pinching hoseoks cheek. "sorry i couldn't help myself ~ im helping properly now, i promise" he then handed him the oil and measuring cup before setting the pan on the stovetop. Hoseok had giggled and put some music on before saying, "no need to apologise, you troublemaker~ also please put the noddles in the water while i grill the chicken ~"  he had said with a bit of sass in his tone of voice, his body shiftibg to go get the chicken and going to the grill that was on the back two burners in which he ignited the flame on all four burners. Placing some oil on the grill he then placed the chicken on their and then started to make the alfredo sauce as jungkook placed the noodles in the water. Then, jungkook messed with the temp a bit and started to say , "Yknow , when i was younger i tried to make spaghetti  once and they were so soggy cause i cooked them too long,"

Hoseok laughed softly at the story shared and hummed, " eheh- well i usually use the ovens' built in timer ." with that he remembered that he should turn that on now, so he leaned over and started to set the time on the little manuel pad for how long the food should cook for. Then focusing back on the sauce he looked at jungkook and batted his lashes at him, "can you grabe me the parmesan cheese please?" Jungkook nodded and went to get the cheese, handing it iver to hoseok before asking "Timer? you mean you never threw pasta at the  cupboards to sse if it sticks?",  pinching his cheek . Hoseok laughed once again and shook his head rapidly, "I- pfffft! nooo~ aish i have lots to teach you or i can just be your personal chef" he said and started to add the rest if the ingrediants into the sauce before whisking away softly.

Jungkook than laughed as well, "Really? You havent lived than love, be a risk taker." with that he went to hug hoseok from behind and placed his chin on his shoulder. "I never use measuring cups or timers, ive baked three cakes in my life and never read the box." He teased and watched as the other made the sauce. The shorter male giggling before replying, "Well you life liver, i infact do take risks and such but when it comes to cooking then we have to play by m y rules."  turning his head to kiss the others cheek he continued stirring the sauce and checked on the noodles contantly, also flipping the chicken before continuing the saice until it turned creamy. eventually turning all the burners off he took a fork and cut a small piece of chicken from one of them and held it up to jungkooks lips and hummed, "tryyy~"

Jungkook had agreed with hoseoks words and said "You know it, but i dont mind playing by your rules, way less chance of us dying" with a smile he then ate the small piece of chicken, it was a bit hot but he enjoyed it and nodded to its taste, "its really good " then smiling brightly to his words , hoseok squealed a bit , "im glad its good! also are you going to keep hugging me on my way to the sink?- i dont mind at all i just wanna know if you will be ok moving with me -" instantly after jungkook had unhooked his arms and rubbed the back of his neck, "sorry didnt mean to be clingy - i uh, cant wait to taste everything together, just by the taste if the chicken im sure all of it together will be delicious."

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