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Still thursday, same setting as last chap.

They're arms released from one another and they stood there again, silence filled the air but both wanted to say something.
Finally hoseok opened his mouth and spoke, "want anything to drink?- if your feet hurt you should sit! " he quickly motioned to the couch in which jungkook just went to go sit and shook his head "no im alright cutie , thanks."

hoseok nodded and walked over to where the other sat, contemplating where he should sit he just took a seat on jungkooks lap. Usually jungkook would be surprised by now but he really didn't mind it, his arms wrapped themselves around hoseoks waist and pulled him closed since he was now addicted to the others warmth and just having the cutie in his arms.

the smaller male squeaked a bit but happily hugged jungkooks nexk again, looking at him and now dejavu happens, they are back to staring at one another until hoseok pops a question out "soooo, tell me about yourself !" he exclaimed, excited to get to learn more about the taller male.

jungkook hummed and thought a bit while starting to explain, "well- im an aspiring writer but i have a main job of cleaning houses and lawns and shit - i mean it pays much much more than you think. i am 27 years old and the name is jeon jungkook. I am 5'll, oh im a coffee addict and fun fact i am from paris, france." After finishing up hoseok blinked and smiled widely , asking another thing "what about your childhood?"

rubbing the back of his neck he shrugged, "eh - nothing interesting. I was adopted and my childhood was fair. I have a good relationship with both my foster parents and thats about it " he explained in which hoseok just nodded .

the short male then gasped when done processing everything, "5'll ?! that explains why im such a shrimp!! Im 5'4" he squeaked and jungkook let out a laugh at how cute that was , also saying "wow , 5'4?! youre so short!"

hoseok quickly huffed and shook his head, "nono not short! im funsized, there is a difference" he did his triangle pout and then started giggling in which jungkook chuckled and nodded again. "What about you? Tell me about yourself , sweetheart" he asked in which the younger male fidgeted with jungkooks shirt just a little and answered "well as you know im jung hoseok, i am 24. I work as a barista and all... i am a runaway meaning i ran from home more specifically my father since he abused me and disowned me so as soon as i had the money to leave i did. and y e a h , now im here. "

after hearing the short yet saddening story jungkook pulled hoseok closer and placed a soft kiss on his head, "im sorry to hear that dear. im glad you were able to escape though." While snuggling into him he listened and smiled to the kiss and nodded.

jungkook rubbed his back and they were now cuddling in silence again, until suddenly the male asked hoseok "what are your likes and dislikes?" in which he responded "mmh, i like cuddling and movies, i love to shop and i really like sweet things. i like expensive items and traveling and such. you?" he finished while asking. The taller had nodded the entire time before thinking, "well obviously i really like coffee, i like books and some movies. I like playing the guitar, i like some sweet things it depends.  I smoke , the taste is ew but yknow nicotine addiction. I also like writing"

hoseok listened closely and smiled all over again, "wow thats all so cool! also i vape , not a lot but i still get the whole addiction part. " he said with the softest sounding voice that made jungkook not really pay attention to anything else but the male that sat on his lap. the older then smiled and pinched hoseoks' cheek .

giggling, the younger pinched jungkooks nose and suddenly he got up to go the kitchen to get some cookies, eating them happily. realizing he was hungry but ignored it and exclaimed "hey kookie! lets do somethingg!"

hearing the nickname he let out a breathy chuckle and stood up, "what shall we do hobi?" the male said while walking to where the other was . watching as the others cheeks were puffed out due to whatever he  was eating. hoseok blushed to the nickname and thought before saying, "we could cook something together, or build a fort and watch movies!" he suggested while jungkook just stood there with a smile while watching hoseok .

he then spoke up, "why dont we do all three?" and with that hoseok squealed with much happiness, nodding rapidly and then pausing mid excitement. "what are we gonna cook though?" he asked and jungkook thought a bit before shrugging, "its up to you sweetheart." in which the smaller male looked around the kitchen and then looked at the taller male, "chicken alfredo" he said with much joy in to which the taller nodded in agreement "sounds perfect love"

hoseok started squealing again and grabbed jungkooks hand, dragging him more into the kitchen, the two now grabbing stuff to make the pasta with .

a/n: sorry that this is s h o r t , im really sleepy while making this shjshs ,, thanks for reading and part two of this will be up hopefully by tomorrow !!<3

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