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Someone bumped into Sez, she was a young girl with a ponytail hair, she also had a bow on her hand. Her cheek and her legs were bleeding...

???: " A human? ". The girl said

Sez: " Are you alright? "

When Sez looked at the behind the girl, he saw a lot of monster running toward to the girl and sez. Then Sez changed his arm again into blade.

Sez: " Can you still fight? "

Girl: " Just.. a little... ", the girl said while panting

Sez looked around and carried the girl and then run away from the monster.

Girl: " H-hey hey hey! What are you doing? "

Sez: " I'm carrying you, I saw your legs were wounded, listen if you see a monster nearby, you shoot them with you arrow ".

Girl: " Don't tell me what to do ", The girl shots an arrow into the monster that just jumped into them.

Sez keep carrying the girl while the girl keep shooting an arrow to the monster.

Sez: " It should be around here... There is it! Hold on tight"

Girl: " What do you mean hold on ti- "

Sez pointed his hand into the ground and make a dark barrier to stop the monster following them, then both of them entered the basement and locked the door. Then both of them sighed and looked each other

Girl: " Ah! Y... you can put me down n-now ", The girl's face turn red while seeing Sez very closely

Sez: " Ah yes, sorry ", Sez lay down the girl closely

Then both of them sat down and relaxed after being chased by a bunch of monster. Then, Sez asked the girl something...

Sez: " Are you... The owner of this place? "

Girl: " No i'm just... Passing by... " The girl said while she looking at her legs

Sez: " Are you ok? "

Girl: " Not really... Those monster really got a really sharp fang... "

Sez: " I see... Do you have any medicine? "

Girl: " I run out of medicine and low on arrow... Oh, uhmm... What is your name? "

Sez: " My name is Sez Gaien, how about you? "

Wanda: " My name is Wanda, nice to meet you, and thank you for carrying me earlier... "

Sez: " Nice to meet you too " Sez said while he's emotionless

Wanda: " Uhmm... Are you ok? Your face is kinda low "

Sez: " I just... Doesn't show my emotion much "

Wanda: " Ah I see " Wanda while she's nervously chuckled

Then after a couple minutes Sez stood up and looked around

Wanda: " Hmm? What are you doing? "

Sez: " Searching for anything useful, something that can help us away from these monster... "

When Sez searching at the bookshelf, he found a scroll and open it, then he saw that this scroll is a map. Then he analyzed the map and found a town's mark nearby

Sez: " There's a town nearby, do you think we should go there? "

Wanda: "That's a great idea, but i'm kinda tired after running, can I got some rest first? "

Sez: " Sure, we're safe in here "

Wanda: " Thanks... " 

Wanda slowly makes a camp fire and rest a little... Then, when Wanda looked around... She realized something...

Wanda's inner voice: " Wait... I'm stuck in this small room, alone with a man??? I-isn't this... like a romance stuff?! I m-must stay calm around him... Y-yeah... Stay calm..."

Sez, with a low voice: " Wanda "

Wanda:" Y-YES?! " she shouted

Sez: " Are you from different places? Somewhere like, not from here...? "

Wanda: " Ah yes, I actually wandering in Ezera's wood until a random portal sucked me in, leaving my friends behind... "

Sez: " I see... That mean we're same "

Wanda: " Same? What do you mean? "

Sez: " I was on a mission to investigate a strange portal, when i finished fighting, a random portal appear in front of me and dragged me in... That how I got into this place... "

Wanda: " That's really strange... "

Also Wanda's inner voice: " I-isn't this like fate?! Both of us are fated to meet each other?! "

Sez: " Oh... There's also a med kit here. We're lucky "

Sez took the med kit and  sit down beside wanda, then Sez opened the med kit and saw a scroll of bandage and some medicine. Then Sez took them all and passed it to Wanda, she took it slowly and gently from Sez's hand and roll the bandage around her legs... After that they took a rest for a minutes...

45 Minutes passed

Wanda slowly woke up, and looked around and can't find Sez

Wanda: " Sez? Where are you? "

Then, Wanda felt something heavy on her right shoulder, when Wanda look at her right she saw Sez were sleeping on Wanda's shoulder..... Then a couple second later...

Wanda: " EEHHHHHHHH?!!!! " wanda screamed while her face turns red

Then Sez quickly waked up and looked around

Sez: " W-what's wrong?! Did they broke through?? "

Wanda: " N-no no no I-i was just uhm... h-having a bad dream! "

Sez, sighed: " I see... How is your wound? "

Wanda: " I think it's better now, but i think i shouldn't run first... "

Sez: " It's ok, if you want me to carry you again just tell me "

Wanda: " No way!! I-i think my legs are better now! " Wanda chuckled

Then after that both them stood up and getting prepared to go out, Sez slowly open the basement's door and peek around... He saw that the guest room are empty... There's no monster around... Then both of them slowly walked into the halls, but the halls were crowded by a monster...

To Be Continued...

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