Intro- Flashback

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I watched his body figure move along with the music that was blasting through the speakers. It's beautiful, the way he's dancing. Can I be like him, like how my brother encouraged me to be? As I'm caught up with my thoughts about the guy on the other side of the wall, I felt a sudden urge to look back at him, only to see that he was staring back. He gives a small smile and heads towards me, making me panick a little.

He opens the door, a little out of breath," Now, if I'm right, you were watching me dance were you not?"

"Maybe, maybe not," I say while shrugging my shoulders.

All the guy does is smile, and then grabs my wrist, dragging me into the dance room with him. "Come, I'll teach you a little dance lesson that I've been working on."

He settles on a spot to start teaching me this dance lesson of his. He gives me step by step, carefully trying not to forget the other steps he made. "Now you are going to lift up your right arm, with your left pointing towards the floor, and just do a wave all the way down to your left arm."

I nodded, then forgot to ask something I should've asked in first place,"I'm sorry to interupt but, can I know your name?

He slapped his entire face, cursing under his breath," Crap, I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jimin." Jimin brings out his hands, gesturing it towards me as a greeting. I take it.

"Juniper," is all I say, with a little smile.

"Juniper, I like the name," he smiles.

"Thanks," was all I said before the room turns into silence.

Jimin breaks it by saying," Do you want to go over the dance again but with the music this time?"

I nodded my head,"Sure."

We walked over to get into position while waiting for the the song to start playing. When it started, both of our bodies moved in synced while letting the music take control of our bodies. I start getting more into the song and closed my eyes, trusting my body to follow the rest of the moves.


Jimin's POV~

I watched Juniper close her eyes, and let her body take control witht the music. Gosh, how is she doing this on her first try? Last time I checked, I made this dance hard. Not even my hyungs could dance to my song. Also I forgot to mention, HER EYES ARE CLOSED! Like what the hell! I stopped dancing and started to observe the way she dances to the rest of Serendipity. The way she dances, it's just mind blowing. I've never seen anyone dance like she has. The song was soon starting to end and Juniper opened her eyes. I clapped because she did really well.

She stopped to look at me,"Well, how'd I do?"

I gave her a straight face,"Juniper..........."

She waited anxiously for me to answer.

"You did AMAZING!" I smiled really big.

"Really?!!" Juniper says while jumping up and down.

Gosh, how can she get any better than that cute little celebration of hers?

"Yes, really! I've actually bever seen anybody dance like you do," was all I said with a small smile on my face.

Then suddenly, I see confusion written on her face. What is she confused about right now? "Wait, when did you stop dancing? I thought you were dancing along with me?"

End of POV~

He looks at me guiltingly," Well I wanted to see if you missed any steps or got the rythem right. And........"

"And what?" urgently I asked. I mean come on, who doesn't want to know if they did the dance correctly?

"And you've done better than what others could have done, and that's saying something you know," Jimin says while pointing a finger at me.

I looked at him weirdly," What do you mean?"

Jimin looks at me like he's seen his celebrity crush,"What I'm trying to say is that your an amazing dancer, I feel like you should be a professional or something."

"Well thanks I guess, but not everyone says that I'm that good of a dancer," I said while shrugging my shoulders.

He narrowed his eyes on me, as if not beleiving the words that came out of my mouth. "Who says that?"

I gave him a questioning look as to why he wants to know. "Nobody," I brushed the subject off. "Thanks Jimin, for teaching me this dance. I think maybe this one of my favorite dances so far. I really appreciate it, this is the first time somebody has taught me a dance like this."

Memories came through my mind. I always liked the way dancers moved their body to music. It was as if their body was the ocean. It's beautiful in many ways, but has deep meaning to the way they express their dances.

"No problem Juniper. If you need anyone to come to to dance with, you can just call me and I'll be there," Jimin smiled while writing down his phone number. He handed the piece of paper to me, trying to fold it.

As soon as he handed me the piece of paper, I heard a familiar ring tone across the dance room. While running towards it, a nausus feeling washed over me, as if something bad was about to be told. I took my phone out of my bag and looked at the ID caller; my mom.

"Hello, mom?" was all I said.

"June hun, I need you to come to the hospital quickly," she said anxiously.

"Why mom, is everything okay?"

"No, but it will be. June....." and she paused.

"Mom, what happened," my voice hardens.

"Your brother he........ he got into a car accident." What?

As soon as I heard that, my phone dropped onto the floor, making a loud crash along with a couple of tears. Grabbing my stuff, I ran out the door but someone had called my name. Jimin.

"Wait, Juniper. Id everything alright?" he says, with full concern written on his face.

All I said was this, "I will see you soon Park Jimin." And then I left.


Guys! I really hope you like the epilogue! This is my first time publishing a book on wattpad, so I hope you guys like the story that is bound to be told.
Thanks!! Lots of love- Kiki

Also, if you see mistake in any of these chapters, please tell me so that I can fix them!

Crossed PathsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora