Chapter 1- Who are you?

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"One, and two, and three, and four."

That's all we do in practice, it's leaps, and spins. You know, I thought being in contemporary dance would be different than doing ballet but really, it's the same. It's been five years since I left Busan, since my brother has died.


It felt like it was yesterday that he died.


And that it made my parents divorce.

"Juniper!!!" the dance teacher yelled.

I looked up and found my dance teachers eyes on me.

"Yes Ms.Moon?" I mimped.

"Stay focused would you!?" Ms.Moon says while glaring at me. Very friendly of you Ms.Moon, very friendly.

"Yes ma'am."

Nodding her head as she walked and talked, I started dancing as she instructed me to do, well not just me, the whole freaking class. As I was still dancing, I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me stop for a bit. I looked over and found my best friend/dance buddy smilling at me.

"Why are you smiling at me like that you freaking creep?" I looked at her with a weird face.

"Because this is the third time you have zoned out in class today," she says while pointing her finger at me.

"Angelina, have you really been counting how many times I have zoned out in a day?"

"Well hell yah, you're my best friend and I need to be there for you like you have been there for me all those years, got it? Got it!" Angelina says in a motherly tone. Ever since my brother has died, she has been there to comfort me, making me feel not alone in this world. We have practically done everything together. Dance competitions, birthday parties, and the one and only, college.

I replied to her like I was her child,"Yes, mother Angel!"

Angelina slapped me in the arm just as Ms.Moon says that the class can take a break. As I ran over to my bag, I noticed that my waterbottle was gone. I looked through my bag just in case I left it in there, I looked to my left side to see if it was naywhere near there. Then when I look to my right, I noticed a guy that had my waterbottle, and was drinking from it. This freaking asshole I swear. I walked over only to stop behind his back, and slapped him on the head.

"Yah!!! Jeon Jungkook!" I slightly yelled, earning a few weird looks from the people around us.

While slapping him on the head, he choked on his water, oh wait, MY water.

He turned around and glared at me," What the hell Juniper! Can I not have some water without choking on it?"

"Well first off, it's my waterbottle that you're drinking out of, and second of all, you deserved to choke on water and third of all, maybe if you stop taking my waterbottle, then maybe you won't choke at all."

Jungkook scoffed, and when he gave me my teal waterbottle back, Ms.Moon called us back for an announcement.

Once we all have gathered and sat down on the floor, she started talking like she was a university proffesor. No suprise there actually.

She held her hand together while speaking," So, as of tommorrow, there will be a mentor coming in for this upcoming dance show. He is a well-known dancer for his contemporary dancing and also his singing. He will also be teaching you the dances for the show. So, any questions?"

Looking around, I only found one hand up. Great.

"Is he hot Ms.Moon?" of course the drama queen herself has to ask this question everytime.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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