Shotos P.O.V

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We begin our game as were two drinks in and i hear mina chime in '' Bakugou truth or dare'' bakugou cockily laughs ''Dare!'' ''Okay i dare you to kiss kirishima!'' she drunkingly giggles. Its almost funny watching as their faces lit up as red as kirishimas hair and hearing bakugou ''WHAT THE HELL?!'' suddenly kirishima speaks up '' Okay!'' and kisses bakugou and all you hear is mina sqealing. I get up and tell the guys im going to bed '' Ive had to many drinks im going to my tent and going to bed guys!'' they all say good night as they continue their game. I just want to be alone so i decide to take a walk down the beach shoreline when suddenly i hear what sounded like a gasp followed by a loud splash! So my curiosity i followed the noise down to the end of the old dock and i was so tipsy i ended up falling in the water i was so drunk i couldnt swim but i suddenly felt a hand grab mine and pulled me to shore i look up and my eyes are met by a pair of dazzling emerald green eyes and the most beautiful smile ive ever seen in my life. ''Who are you?!'' ''Where did you come from?'' I asked as the boy remained silent as if he was observing me. I spoke again and sat up ''Who are you?'' and as i asked that he dove off back into the water and what my eyes saw next i almost couldnt believe it! HE HAD A MERMAID TAIL!!!! I think my minds messing with me after all them drinks so i go lay down in my tent trying to forget what i had seen because if were being honest whose gonna belive me if i told them that! I close my eyes and begin to doze off...

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