Blank and a Million Other Names

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Froyo usually starts working at the ass crack of dawn because it works for her, but sometimes life doesn’t go your way and seeing as Froyo’s got one job her schedule would be easier for a work around to help accommodate Lucas’ apprenticeship at a veterinary clinic, Angel’s health, and June’s uncomfortably violent eve.

And that is why on Fridays she works the closing shift alongside Moon.

The only patron today is her half-brother Dusk who snatched a barstool from one of the high tables and dragged it over to the counter so that he could talk with Froyo while the clock counted down until closing time. He’s out of the way enough that the few people that do trail in don’t give him a second glance while they order and receive their orders.
Dusk swaps between drowning himself in his hot chocolate and making his half-sister laugh because she knows firsthand that beats trying to concentrate on a program that refuses to work.

To be fair, he’s been there since three working hard and usually Froyo would annoy him into concentration, today has been and unbearably slow day and Froyo is looking forward to a nice lazy evening with her favorite and only half-brother’s, who has promised a good time, considering it’s been weeks since the two of them had evenings off and no pressing responsibilities to attend to.
Froyo even has tomorrow off so she doesn’t have to worry about an early start or the chance to loosen up.

Still, seven can’t come any sooner. That thought is drop-kicked out of existence when, at a quarter to, the bell above the door jingles and Blank comes barging his way inside, dressed up in a sweater and his denim jeans with a beanie to wrap it all into one cuddly bundle and his blonde fringe splaying out the lip to shield Blank’s eyes from the overhead lights that weren’t all that bright but he still flared at them as if they were all miniature suns.

Maybe Blank was a vampire like her.

That would explain why he was always covered up with long sleeves and how he was naturally pale even after that monstrous heatwave, Froyo thinks, having no idea why Blank would be a vampire. But the more she thinks about it the more the thoughts have weight, not really because she’s not an idiot.
Maybe he’s like her staying home and playing video games with the air conditioning turned on full blast. Though she could see Blank becoming the local cryptid; hanging out at the local café wrapped in winter clothes as he drinks nothing but caramel chillers, not saying anything and glaring when people get too close.

“A little late for you huh?” Froyo says as a greeting. She was entitled to such familiarity now that Blank has become somewhat of a regular, having fallen into some kind of routine these past few weeks, enough for Froyo to expect him anytime before midday on Mondays through Wednesdays and anytime after on Thursdays and Fridays visiting thrice a week.
He’s never come this late before and it’s not like Froyo’s been expecting him since he already came in Monday, Wednesday, Thursday already, albeit sharper, colder and a bit rougher at the edges than usual.

“It’s been a shitty week filled with shitty people. Now I’m stuck talking to you and your shitty self.” Blank grunts in answer as he leans his hip against the counter and arms folded and eyes heavy and his scowl-pout more prominent. Fro doesn’t even stop herself from smirking a bit. “I would hate talking to me too if I were you,” she shrugs at first then winks at him in a teasing manner. “But at least I’ve got enough manners to say please.” while tapping nonchalantly tapping the register

Blank bites an insult from under his breath and swipes his card in practiced perfection and doesn’t even bother looking up to deadpan at Froyo.
“Whatever you say, weird eyes. Just make me my drink so I can leave quicker.”
“‘Kay.” and she’s spinning away to the fridge, smiling to herself as she sees Blank roll his eyes fondly at her.

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