A Millon Questions, A Million Answers

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That Saturday morning Froyo woke up with one hell of a hangover. It was around 4am when she woke up running to the bathroom and barfing then suddenly warm hands were pulling back her hair and rubbing her back. This was concerning because Froyo lived alone, save for her cat Meiji, so another person helping her was very worrying and she’s never had someone help her during a hangover—but for now she barfs, she’ll worry about the intruder later.

When she stopped hurling her guts out she rested her head against the wall beside her toilet she looked to see who her hangover angel was.


Froyo yelled then winced as her head pounded because of that, no matter, she must not show weakness. Why did she yell? Well who wouldn’t yell if you found your eight month not-friend who you not-flirt with and totally have a crush on, inside your house. Helping you after a hangover. And dealing with an overly clingy and affectionate drunk self. Surprisingly Blank is the one that yells at her to keep it down instead of the neighbors.

“I knew that you’d have one hell of hangover and since you couldn’t even remember where you fucking lived,” he started, standing up and placing his hands on his hips. “I decided it would be best if i made sure you didn’t somehow kill yourself.” Blank continues and ignores Froyo’s surprised and embarrassed face.

“Go take a shower or some shit. You stink.” she blinks and stands up to grab the emergency post wasted clothes under her sink as Blank leaves the bathroom.

When Froyo emerges from the bathroom she feels like a new and slightly better person, although she’s somewhat embarrassed that she’s only wearing her pajamas. She smells bacon being cooked and she sees eggs and waffles on the table, Blank turns around and smiles a bit at her. “Seriously, Minecraft? What are you seven?” he teases and Froyo pouts at him and sticks her tongue out.

“How’d you know I liked waffles more than pancakes?” she asks him when he sets down the bacon and they start eating. Blank laughs at what she doesn’t know as he tells her how he found out. “You told me last night that you liked waffles more than pancakes so I asked you why,” Blank snorts and Froyo is a bit scared as she shoves a piece of the waffle into her mouth.

“You said, ‘Waffles are just pancakes with abs and I want abs and pancakes are weak so that’s why waffles are superior’.”

If Froyo didn’t look like she had a fever before she did now—it didn’t help that that actually was her reason for liking waffles—she buried her red face in her hands as Blank snorted and doubled over with laughter. “Shut up! It’s not that funny!” Froyo protested when Blank started to choke on air (she liked his laugh even if it was at her expense). “But it is—” he snorted out and Froyo takes back what she thought about his laugh. “I hope you die.” she hisses with her blue and not blue eyes narrowed from behind her fingers.

It would’ve been more threatening if she wasn’t wearing Minecraft pajamas and if her face wasn’t beet red.

It just made Blank laugh louder, Froyo didn’t think he could breathe so she just hugged and continued eating with a pout. After a bit Blank followed her lead and they ate and he told her stupid shit she did the night before while she was drunk. Froyo’s not an idiot, she remembers what happened the night before but only the major bits. The finer details is what Blank is telling her about. They finish breakfast soon after and Froyo’s drinking hibiscus tea and leaning on the kitchen counter while Blank is doing the dishes beside her—he insisted anyways. The fun and euphoria of recalling how stupid and clingy Froyo was when drunk and now they have to deal with what she admitted.

Blank is the one who breaks the silence.

“Did you mean it?” he asks, he’s nervous and he’s prepared himself for the worst outcome. It’s strange and Froyo doesn’t like it so she tries to fix it. “You know me, Blank.” It catches his attention and he looks towards her while she takes a sip of her tea. “When have I ever said something I didn’t mean?” It’s a rhetorical question and she looks at him when she says this. Froyo feels like she’s never been this serious in her entire life. “You’re my not-friend and we not-flirt every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the café.” she tells Blank with a fond affectionate smile. “I already had a hunch, just didn’t want to assume.”

“And besides,” Froyo continues with a pink hue creeping up her neck. “I’ve got a huge not-crush on you anyways, heh.” Blank flushes red as well and averts his gaze while Fro awkwardly sips her tea.

“Well,” he drawled out and got the attention of a pair of blue and not blue eyes on him. “I may or may not have a shitty not-crush on you too.” Blank admits and he looks to the side. Froyo smirks, she finds she likes Blank being the flustered and blushing one rather than it being her. “So,” she starts and turns to look at the boy beside her.

“Does asking you to play video games with me count as asking you out?”

Froyo laughs at the red that invades Blank’s face as he sputters and looks at her. “I--I guess.” he mutters trying not to meet her eyes and she coos at how cute he looks with red painting his cheeks and his brown eyes avoiding hers. “I’m not fucking cute, shit face!” Blank protests and ducks his head when she tries to pat it. “You totally are though.” Froyo argues, laughing and watches as Blank’s edges soften out and he relaxes as they fall into a familiar kind of banter. “I am fierce!” he tells her and pouts when she responds. “Nothing’s preventing you from being both.” Froyo shrugs noncommittally and smiles into her cup when he whines.

They play Mario Kart together, she picks Yoshi and he picks Toad, where Froyo practically destroys Blank and they play for hours. By the time Blank has to go, Fro's won 10 times and him 4 times. “We’re having a gaming stream today, want to join?” Blank asks her and she accepts.

When Dom and Robyn start the stream so many of the viewers are confused on why there’s another person while a minority are screaming about how happy they are that Froyo is joining them in the stream. “Hello everybody! Some of you may know me, but to those who don’t my name’s Froyo.” she says as Dom, Robyn and Blank start their intros. “Today Froyo’s going to be the one who chooses what game we’re going to play!” Dom explains while Robyn and Blank bicker over something dumb.

“And since a bunch of you, myself included, want these three idiots to play horror,” Froyo smirks and there’s an uproar of people asking her if she’s going to stay and a bunch of her fans saying shit’s about to go down. “I’m forcing them to play FNaF! Yay!!” Froyo notices the fear in Dom’s eyes and the please no in Robyn’s. “FNaF 4 to be specific.” Blank narrows his eyes at her and she just grins wider. “I bet you three are gonna wet your pants.” he says while rolling his eyes and the others protest and try to justify their fears but Froyo knows. He’s challenging her if she’ll play the shy soft pastel girl personality or her real e-girl horror fanatic personality.

It’s a good thing Froyo never backs down from a challenge.

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