💖The doll💖

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Just wanna say contains some trigger warnings (Blood)

The hermits always wondered why Grian carried a doll around with him wherever he goes,some say it might have been giving to him by a past relative who unfortunately past away while others say it was a toy giving to him by birth,well Mumbo wanted to maybe ask Grian why he carries it around so often

Mumbo flew his way over to Grian's base to see what he was up to and maybe ask about the doll,as Mumbo landed right next to Grian's mansion which was growing by the day,Mumbo slowly walked through the halfway so that if Grian was busy he wouldn't distract him from his work

"Hello!" Mumbo shouted while wincing internally from the loud echo
"Grian! are you here?" No response...Mumbo checked every were in the mansion for Grian but he was no where to be seen,Mumbo panicked a little but then remembered Grian's hobbit hole,he left Grian's mansion and flew his way over to Grian's hobbit hole

I knocked on Grian's hobbit hole door...there was know response, I slowly opened the door to see blood splattered all across the room,it didn't look like human blood but it was very gruesome, Mumbo felt like pucking at that very spot but he knew he had to find Grian and make sure he was okay,with each step in the sticky blood the more Mumbo began to worry like what happened here,what caused this and more importantly is Grian safe?
As he got further he could see colorful feathers some with dry blood while others were fresh,it made Mumbo want to puke even more,as Mumbo got to the super smelter he could see it all...parrot heads lying on the floor,just like the feathers some had dry blood while others were fresh,in the middle of the room was Grian himself but it didn't look like him...he had fresh blood all over his body and was holding an iron dagger while decapitating a poor parrots head
"Pesky Bird" he whispered
"Grian...what did you do?" Mumbo said trying his best not to puke, Grian slowly stood up and ran towards Mumbo embracing a hug which got Mumbo's suit covered in blood
"I was making a gift for you since Sam said I should since you are such a great friend" he said in a cheerful tone as if he had not just killed innocent parrots life's
"Grian who is this Sam person?" I said slowly pushing Grian away from the hug
"Oh,here he is!" Grian said pulling out a white plush rabbit doll which was the doll Grian always carried around with,the only difference is that it was covered in blood and instead of those black beady eyes they were bright red...I just realised Grian's eyes weren't that soft ocean blue but were instead a sharp red
"Um sorry Grian but I really have to go!" Mumbo said being the spoon he was sounded suspicious as ever
"Really? aren't you going to accept my give?" Grian said picking a parrot head from the floor and holding it in front of Mumbo
"Um sure!" Mumbo said collecting the parrot head from Grian who's red eyes lit up
With that Mumbo slowly made his way over to the exit not knowing what he just saw
=°°°Trigger Warning Over°°°=
Mumbo through the parrot head away once he reached his base, he had just saw Grian covered in blood with an iron dagger with parrot heads lying all around him claiming that he was giving Mumbo a gift that was told to him by a plush rabbit who instead didn't have black eyes but had Red eyes,and instead of Grian's blue eyes he now has red?
Mumbo really needs to tell X about this


Hello, and yes this is a chapter based on Grian killing parrots and a plush rabbit named Sam...yeah ;-;

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