Squad 13

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(At the training grounds),4:00 Pm
3rd Person Pov
When the Squad 13 left Kaminari and Kirishima went to the
Basketball court,While the others are in the training ground
Then they see other boys doing there training Iida walk towards
Them asking information about Deku and his squad,

But when Iida asked them about deku they become pale and said
"We will tell you the info you want to know but don't tell Squad 13"
"We promised that we will never tell Anyone from deku's Squad",
Uraraka said

"I know that Squad 13 almost killed a Student because they insulted the President of the Student Council and not only that
They are the Number 1 troublemaker in this Academy",Andrei said

"Wait...WHAT!?,Squad 13 almost killed a student!?",Iida said
"That's nonsense Deku will never do that!",Uraraka said
"If you don't believe me ask Mrs.Lily",Andrei said

"Wait that Scary teacher?",Mineta said
"Uhhh...well she really don't like noisy people,did anyone
Raised their voice when your at the library?",andrei asked

"Oh it's Bakugou",Todoroki said
"ICYHOT YOU BASTARD!!,"Bakugou yelled and was about to attack Todoroki,Bakugou can't move then when he turned around he sees Rose controling him,

"You should know the rules first before attacking people",Rose said
"Student Council Secratary?!",Andrei said
"Andrei didn't we told you to tell them the rules!",Rose said

"Geez calm down",Ivy said
"Didn't Mrs.Lily to keep your voice down?",Luna said
"Oh hi you two done in your duties?",Rose said

"Yup,all done,Oh hi bakuhoe you can't move aren't you?",Ivy said
"You look like a statue,You should be the new Statue of Liberty",Luna said

"SHUT UP TAPE MAN!",Bakugou yelled

"Does an angry pomerinian always have to be loud",Ivy said
"*i think it's getting hot in here*,Mina said to herself
"I think we should leave it's getting late",Rose said

"Yea or else Zach will yell at us",Ivy said
"Sure my neck is litteraly hurting",Luna said

When the three girls are walking away Bakugou Screamed and
"Don't worry it will wear off about....3 hours",Rose said

When they leave Mina and others just laugh at bakugou
"I didn't know that a girl could roast you hahaha",Mina said
"SHUT UP!!",Bakugou said

When they calmed down Andrei towards them and said,"be carefull when your around with the Squad 13 they will torture

"Thank you for your warning",Uraraka said
"Sorry but i need to leave",Andrei said
"Bye!",Momo said
Bye",andrei said

"I think Squad 13 is dangerous",Iida said
"Me too",all of them said
"But i think they are funny",Jirou said

"Yea i love it when they freeze bakugou",Todoroki said
"Hahaha,how are doing there bakugou?",Mina asked
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!,"Bakugou said

"Oh hi guys did we miss something",kirishima said
"Yea so many",mina said

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