An Innocent Mistake

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"Y'know what, Al!? I can't take this anymore! You can't just keep staying at my home, using my things like they're yours! If you hate living with Dad and Papa so much, why don't you just buy your own apartment!?" the blond furiously yelled at his twin brother.

Alfred felt a little shocked being woken up from his daily nap and seeing his usually quiet brother so angry. But in Matthew's defense, it was the fifth time in only this month that he has come home to a trashed apartment with his brother sleeping on his once clean couch. This has been happening ever since Matthew's been in his new apartment. Which he bought nearly a year ago.

"Speak for yourself! Do you know how underpaid I am these days? I can barely even afford to pay my phone bill each month!" Alfred retorted.

"That's because you work at McDonald's, you hoser! And the fact that you buy Starbucks and takeout everyday doesn't help! Like, what is this?" Matthew leaned down behind the couch and revealed two large bags from KFC with half-eaten food in them. "Holy shit, do you want me to get rats!?"

"You already have a rat! And its name is Matthew Kirkland-Bonnefoy!"

"Alfred, get out."

"You can't do that! I'm your brother!"

"Yes I can, it's my apartment. Now get out."

"No, Mattie that's not fair."

"Alfred, get out."

"No, I'm not listening!"

"I'm giving you five seconds. Get out."

"What!? I'm not a child!"


"You can't tell me what to do!"




"Just stop it!"


"You greedy motherfu-"


"Alright, alright! I'll leave, asshole. But I was going to anyway. I have a date in twenty." Alfred grimaced, grabbing his sweatshirt and slamming the door behind him.

Matthew sighed and pushed his hair out of his face. He can't remember the last time he and his brother had a fight like that. Honestly, he can't blame Al for wanting to escape from their parents. It can get a bit chaotic over there. That's why he moved in the first place. But does Alfred really have to be such a pig? Just look at the mess he left! Matthew has to clean all of this up... But not now... Now he needs to relax.

Matthew quickly changed out of his work clothes into something more comfortable and headed out the door.

"Are you alright, dear? I heard lots of yelling from your room." Ms. Williams, the old white lady from next door, questioned.

The woman had instantly become one of Matthew's best friends while living at the complex. The seventy year-old may seem like a sweet little old lady at first, but underneath that facade, she's a boss-ass bitch who takes no BS from anybody. She grew up in the 60s, the time for protests and resistance. She'd never forget those days.

"Oh, it was nothing Ms. W. I just had a small fight with my brother."

"It didn't sound so small. Wanna come in and talk about it? I have tea and poke cake!" she offered.

Matthew kindly shook his head. "No thank you, Ms. W. I rather just have some time to myself right now, y'know?"

"Yes, I see. But if you ever need someone to talk to, you know my door is always open."

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