about the game and Halloween

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Gracie, Harry, and Oliver ( is it me or is Oliver really hot) were walking to were we had flying class.

Quidditch is easy to understand each needs a sudden wears 4 chasers thats you Gracie, 2 beaters, 1 keeper, and 1 seeker thats you Harry Oliver said.

Then he opened the trunk and said.

There are 3 tips of balls this is called the quiff so the chaser thats you Gracie handle the quiffle try to put in in one of those 3 hoopes over there said Oliver pointing over to the field.

The Keeper thats me depends the hoopes you got that so fair said oliver asking Gracie and Harry.

Harry and Gracie nodding there head that they understand.

I think so what are thos Harry said and asked.

I think it will be easy for me Gracie said while smiling at Oliver.

Oliver got a 2 bat and gave it to Harry and Gracie.

You better take this 2 bats Oliver said.

Gracie and Harry took the bats.

Then Oliver let out one of the balls that move ( I forgot what there are called) then it flys up in the air.

Careful know its coming back Oliver said.

Then Harry hits it straight through two swords that a statue was holding in its hands.

Not bad potter Oliver said.

Harry smiled.

You would make a great beater said Oliver.

Then the Ball came right back and then Oliver said uh oh then caught it with his hands but fell over and struggled to get it back in the trunk.

What was that Harry said.

Bludger nasty little buggers are they Oliver said.

But you are a seeker said Oliver pointing at Harry. And getting out a golden ball.

The only thing you need to worry about harry is to catch this the golden snitch Oliver said handed it to him.

I like this ball said Harry.

Ahh you like it for know but just wait its wicked fast and impossible to see said Oliver.

What do I do with it said harry

You catch it said Oliver.

Before the other team seeker does you catch this then the game is over you catch this potter then we win said Oliver.

Then the snitch turns on and flaps its wings and flys away.

( then the it stops and show charms so thats what im ganna do and yes that would be Halloween)

In class of charms with professor flitwick was talking about a spell that can make objects fly.

So do you have your feathers? Professor asked.

Gracie and Hermione showed there feathers.

Good said professor.

Know ah don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing just Swish and Flick everyone! Said professor.

Everyone picks up there wands and says swish and flick.

Good oh and enunciate Wingardium Leviosa off you go then said professor.

They all said it Hermione was saying stop stop stop stop your going to take someones eyes out and besides your saying it wrong it's Leviosa not livius said Hermione.

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