Christmas at Hogwarts.

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            Gracies pov:
I was watching harry and Ron playing wizard chess

Knight to E-5 said Harry.

Then one of Rons chess player destroyed harrys player.

Thats completely outbarick said Hermione

Thays wizards chess said Ron

Ya anything that is brilliant its wizards chess I said.

Hermione nodded her head.

I see you packed Ron said.

And you haven't said Hermione.

Change plans are parents are going to Romania to visit are brother Charlie said me and Ron at the same time.

He's studying dragons there I said.

Good so you two can help harry then, he going to the library for information on Nickolas flannel said Hermione.

We've looked looked a hundred times said Ron



It was hard for me to wake up so I stayed in bed. Didn't know that harry was already down there know.


I fell out of bed grabbed a blanket and waked out of my room what was empty I walked out of the dorms went down stairs and saw Ron and Harry smiling with presents.

Merry christmas Gracie they yelled.

I chuckled

Then walked down stairs and sat down on the couch.

Merry Christmas Ron and Harry I said.

Here mom got this for you Ron said.

Thanks Ron I said taking it.

I opened it up to see a sweater that has a G on it. Harry started opening his sweater and put it on then he opened a nother on and it was his fathers.

Go on harry open it I said.

He opened it and said its some cloak and he put it on him.

My eyes widen your body ITS GONE I SCREAM.

Wow said Ron.

WOW MY BODYS GONE harry said.

I know what that it Ron said.

That an invisibility cloak said Ron.

Im invisible said harry.

Its It's really rare me and Ron said together.

Then I went to bed.

( hours later )

  Harry's pov mind

I entered the library in my invisibility cloak I look for the book abou Nicholas flannel.

(Time skips again with the professor's)

Sevores I I said professor Quarrels

You don't want me as a enemy Quarrel said professor snape.

Oh no never I would never want to be your enemy severus said professor Quarrels.

Then professor snape reached his hand for the cloak but I Walked backwards.

Well have a nother chat soon Quarrel said professor snape

( like before im lazy so skip)

  Gracie's pov

I woke up to harry shakeing me awake.

Harry what are you doing awake this late at night I said.

Come with me he said.

Ok I said.

I follow him under the cloak and follow him to a mirror?

Harry what are we doing to a mirror I asked.

Look do you see my parents he asked me.

No I see I stopped when I saw what looks like me but older with older harry and im in a wedding dress then it changed to me with Three kids I blushed.

What do you see Gracie said harry.

I see me with my hole family and friends I said lieing.

Oh ok but you don't see my parents harry asked

no I don't sorry harry I said.

Then I looked into the mirror and saw a man he looked like me.

Ahhhh I scream quitely.

What what do you see asked harry.

I see a man that looks like me I said.

Describe him harry said.

He has black hair like myn he has grey eyes like myn he has long hair I said.

Oh that might be your father harry said.

My father I said crying I walked up to the mirror putting a hand on it and the man put his hand on myn like we were holding hands. 

I started to cry.

Dad I whispered to myself.

I looked at harry with a smile on my face.

He smiled back.

I looked back at my father and I wanted to hug him but he was a mirror.

Then left for bed come on harry lets go to bed I said.

Ok Gracie harry said

So thats it for this chapter goodbye

- scarlett

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