80: Fighting clubs and collectables

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Rayth smiled, excitedly biting her lip in anticipation as she kept her eyes shut for the surprise. Greg's hefty footsteps wandered to the front as a strange rustling sound from further ahead tempted her to peak.

"Alright, open your eyes." Greg said. Rayth opened them, smirking and chuckling a silent solitary huff.

"Very strange gift, dad." she admitted, still a bit perplexed.

"You have most of my memory, you know who she is." Greg said, strolling around the metal chair, the woman hogtied in it, looking a bit livid.

"Patricia Goodspeed. Is this a gift for me or a gift for you?" she asked coyly.

"Alright I admit, it's more for me, but I thought you would see the appeal in it." He rationalized.

"How very strange. I would have never expected you to do something so...sentimental." Rayth smirked.

"It's a bit out of the ordinary, but it was just too perfectly fateful to waste. It wasn't a planned abduction by any means, but it's a small universe, and when your routine security run comes across a shuttle craft with someone sending a distress call, you answer. With you being half me, we both know you wouldn't pass up such an unlikely gift from the universe. Maybe that luck of yours is contagious." Greg smiled.

"I find it quite confusing that I have to ask this, but what do you plan to do with your new guest?" Rayth said, circling her.

"I haven't decided just yet. She's an enemy, but not enough of a threat to merit killing. In a way, I'm also a big fan, so I'm tempted to be lenient, and the idea of just collecting her isn't beyond my stretch of imagination." Greg said, leaning closer as Goodspeed's eyes got wider and alarmed.

"How did she get so far from her ship? The Nomad would have tripped some kind of sensor before even approaching shuttle range."

"Weird shit happens in space?" He sighed, leaning towards Goodspeed's face and studying her.

"She really doesn't like you, dad." Rayth said, strolling over and admiring the catch herself.

"Oh, she genuinely hates me. I almost want to be insulted. One of my old heros thinking so little of me..." Greg started. "But your first encounter didn't go so well, did it Captain?"

"But being feared by your enemy is equally appealing." Rayth finished.

"You know me so well, Rayth. She does have a sort of...appeal to her rage, doesn't she?" Greg said, brushing her hair back behind her ear as Goodspeed smoldered with a special form of hatred.

"Oh, she does despise you. So tell me, father, do you intend to share your new toy, or must I find my own?"

"We both know I'm not keen on sharing, but maybe when I've had a little fun and the new wears off, I might loan her to you." he chuckled. Rayth sniffed the air, rolling her eyes in a demented manor.

"That smell of fear is such a comforting one. I'll leave you to study your new plaything. But remember, we have work to do, and when you are done, I want a turn." she snarled, her orange eyes glowing brightly. She strolled out of the holding cell and the door closed behind her, creaking as it sealed. Greg peeled off the tape covering her mouth as she wrinkled her face in discomfort.

"What the hell was that?" Goodspeed asked.

"It's called acting, Izleena." he replied.

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