II. Because It's Beautiful

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On Saturday, Khun waits for Bam in the room he booked at the inn with the hot spring baths on the opposite side of Madoraco's ship away from the team's residence.

The inn resembles a traditional Japanese ryokan with tatami floors, low tables, and a balcony overlooking a canal lined with gingko trees. As a surprise, Khun has filled the room with an array of flowers: tall stalks of delphinium and hollyhock, foxglove, snapdragons, spiky spider chrysanthemums, purple allium poof balls,  orange tiger lilies, yellow yarrow, pink thistle, oxeye daisies, and several types of ornamental grasses.

Khun sits in a low chair with a high back on the balcony occasionally sipping coffee as he reads the news on his lighthouse. He skims a story about a reported break-in at one of the dog shelters on the 52nd floor during which a whole unit of combat dogs was defeated in one strike. He smiles wryly recognizing the handiwork of his slayer candidate boyfriend who should be arriving soon.

Between training, completing floor tests, and saving their companions from hostage crises -- the couple has very few opportunities to go on dates. They missed two whole anniversaries because of Rachel's attempted murder. Khun decided months ago that he wanted to make it up to Bam -- and himself too.

It's almost time for their couple's massage, but Bam hasn't arrived yet. Khun tries to contact Bam's pocket. No answer. He tries again. The connection is full-blown radio static.

As soon as he begins to feel an inkling of worry, he gets a message from Bam:

'Blue haired girl. Lost cat. Sorry. See you at dinner.'

Khun purses his lips. He would usually be endeared by such a thing, but today is supposed to be their day. I guess it can't be helped. Khun huffs. This is who Bam is after all. 

After a quick call, the couples massage becomes a four handed massage for one.


Before dinner, Khun tries calling Bam's pocket. No answer. Khun sends a message.

K: Hey, is everything okay? Here's the address again.
B: Yeah. Sorry. Found cat.
K: Are you on your way?
B: I'll be there.

Bam can be terse sometimes, but this doesn't feel right. Khun calls Isu.

"Yes, what is it my little cutie?" Isu answers.

"Have you seen Bam?"

"Isn't he with you?"


"He finished his morning exercise and left -- all dolled up too. I won't ruin the effect by describing it to you."

"Thanks for sparing me your warped vision. Something feels off, Isu."

"I imagine you tried calling him? Or are you so excited to bone that your common sense is, uh, out of commission?"

"Good joke Isu. Try not to go all daddy on yourself when you're alone in the shower later thinking about Bam and me boning," Khun says before hanging up.

Khun gets dressed while waiting for the hair straightener to heat up. He puts on a white button up with a Chinese collar, relaxed fit chinos, oxfords, and his suspendium cuff earrings. He makes a small braid on one side of his hair and puts it up in a loose ponytail so some strands hang down framing his face. He runs the straightener through his bangs and checks himself out in the mirror.


Sipping the dregs of a shochu cocktail through a straw, Khun waits for Bam at the restaurant bar. The bartender comes around and asks if he'd like another. Khun hesitates. He's drinking a little too fast, but the alcohol is calming his nerves. He checks his watch and then his pocket for messages. Nothing. He gives a nod to the bartender.

Just as he's about to start searching for Bam, a tallish girl with long blue hair sits next to him and orders a round of drinks.

"Did you miss me?" she asks.

Khun knows this voice and remembers Bam's message. Blue haired girl. It can't be. What would she be doing here? He tries to stop his body from tensing up. He slowly turns to face the girl.

"Oh," he says, confirming his suspicion, "hello, Maria."

"Well, aren't you going to greet me properly?," she says.

"What do you mean?"

Maria puts a hand on Khun's cheek.

"Wait. Stop," Khun says. "Where's Bam?"

Maria ignores the question and leans in. Khun attempts to push Maria's hand away, but she uses ice shinsoo to freeze her hand to his face. Maria leans in.

Khun sighs and creates a thin, yet dense, barrier of ice between their lips at the last second. Maria kisses the sheet of ice and pulls back in a huffy pout.

"So it's true," Maria says with disappointment. "Also, when did you learn to control ice shinsoo?"

"A few years ago. And what's true?" Khun asks.

"That you don't like me anymore."

"Maria," Khun sighs again, "We have the same father. We can't have that kind of relationship."

"That's not what you said 75 years ago."

The bartender places two cocktails in front of them. To Maria's dismay, Khun refuses the drink. He knows it was Maria who spread the nasty rumors that they were in love.

"You misunderstood," he says. "Where's Bam?"

"Why did you help me then and not your full sister?"

"I never wanted to live according to someone else's rules," Khun says, "And I thought you were different."

"Different how?" Maria sips her drink.

"I thought you were nice." Khun's cheeks flush from the alcohol though he has good tolerance otherwise.

Maria covers her mouth as she laughs loudly. "Poor Aguero," she says, "Did I hurt your feelings?"

"That's all in the past. Where's Bam?" Khun asks.

"Ugh. Where's Bam?" Maria mocks.

"You know, jealousy isn't very becoming on a princess."

Maria scoffs. "If he's the thing you've decided is worth living for, then you'll have to struggle to get him back."

"Why are you doing this, Maria?"

"Because it's beautiful, Aguero."

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