Chapter One

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Gracie's POV

I run into Mamrie's bathroom quickly locking the door behind me. Luckily no one noticed. I rummage through Mamrie's cabinet looking for something, anything that will stop me from hurting. I find a picket knife and start to cut my bicep. It stings but I remind myself that the pain from the knife was better than what I was feeling and that other people felt worse pain. I guess that's what gets me through it all. I make my way down towards the inside of my left arm a little ways down of my elbow. I keep cutting deeper and deeper until I can see spots of blood forming. I sort of an relieved and stop. That's all I needed. I have never had the guts to go that far yet. Scars aligned my right and left arms. That's why I wear long sleeves and hide my arms. I still remember my first time. Nothing had went my day that day. Suddenly I pick up the knife again and cut deep into my wrist. Nothing. I try again, this time a little further (a/n further or farther? Idk) away from my wrist. The cut makes a huge incision as blood pours out if my wrist. I make a small sob. Unfortunately Sarah (Swike) opened the door and gasped at the sight. I was awake enough to only see her running out if the room and bringing Hannah, Mamrie, and Chester to the scene. My vision was blurry but not enough to see Mamrie lift me up along with Hannah to the couch. Then I blacked out into a space if darkness

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