Chapter two

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Hannah's POV

*weeks later*

I was scrolling through tumblr when I saw something I did not want to see. My Address to my apartment. I quickly tried to report the post and take it down. Suddenly my phone buzzed with Twitter questions asking if that was my real address. I didn't dare answer. Shit. I deleted my Twitter and all my social media and started to sob. I went into panic mode quickly hyperventilating and I couldn't calm down.
What if someone comes to my house and murders me for what I did that they didn't like? I asked myself. I locked all doors and made sure the windows were locked. I pulled my blinds closed and just hid. I texted Mamrie and Grace. Wait, Grace was still recuperating from the incident. so I texted Mames.

"Someone found out where I live" I texted.
She responded quickly after that.
"WTF! HOW?!!??"
"I don't know! I was just scrolling through tumblr and I saw my address and I'm scared"
"I'm coming to your house right now"

I put down my phone and just sank into depression mode. I was scared for my life and my house. What ifs were floating around in my head. I was supposed to post today but I didn't and I won't do it. I quickly set my home alarm to stay and if someone were to come in I would know.
"Set my alarm on, text me when your at the door" I texted Mamrie.
"K" she said back.

I started to get horrible anxiety and crying and I couldn't stop. Even if I tried I couldn't. I sank down behind a wall and found scissors. No! I told myself. You heard what happened to Grace, don't do it, I told myself. Thankfully there was a knock at my door and it was Mamrie saying she was here. I peeked in the hole to make sure.
I opened the door and she came in with a great bear hug.
"Shhhh, shhh" she soothed as I cried in her arms. "Everything will be fine. Shh shh calm down Hannah you're scaring me"
I couldn't control my sobs. I was afraid that someone would find me and hurt me or blackmail me.
"Han its okay, I'm gonna stay with you tonight and tomorrow to make sure your okay"
"Th-tha-Thanks Mames" I managed to get out.

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