Chapter 3

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Mamrie's POV

*weeks earlier*

"YOU BITCH!" Yelled Mark.
I curled up into a ball backing up against a wall with blood dripping down my face from my forehead crying.
"YOU THINK YOU CAN RUN AWAY FROM ME?!!! YOU THINK YOU CAN HIDE AWAY FROM ME AND TELL EVERYONE WHAT I DO TO YOU?!!" He yelled as he smacked me again, this time harder but with a newspaper.
I just sat there until he lifted me up and started to yell at my face. His breath smelled like alcohol and drugs. I winced in pain because there was a bruise from him there.
"If you think you can run and tell people what I do to you, you're wrong. If you tell the police, I'll make sure to hide your body."
He kept hitting me then he pushed me across the room and hit my head against a wall and blacked out.

I woke very groggily looking around the room to make sure he wasn't there. My head aches with pain and luckily he wasn't there. I got up wincing in pain. My wrist hurt and I think it's broken. That's fine, I thought. I'll just get it checked out and make up something like I always do.

"Hey Mames" Grace said as she walked into my house to shoot a YDAD.
"Hi" I said softly.
"What's wrong Mames?" She asked. And then she saw the huge bruise on my arm.
"Mames, what happened?" She asked shocked.
"I fell on top of something" I said quickly.
"Mames, come on tell me the truth. I know your lying" she said sternly. "Is he doing it again?!"
"Who?" I asked like I pretended I didn't know who she was talking about.
"You know who"
"Voldemort?" I asked almost making myself laugh.
"No" Grace stifled a laugh. "Him. Mark."
I froze. We never talked about him or his name because he would find out one way or another.
"Mamrie Lillian Hart, you NEED to tell someone, he's causing you so much pain and I hate seeing my best friend in so much pain."
"I'll think about it" I said softly turning on the camera. But on the inside I knew I was lying to myself.

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