It Was All Easy, Until Today

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It had been two weeks that Tessa and I had spent every night after work and every weekend together. We'd gone out to dinners, walks in the park, trips to the museum, and even around the block for ice cream on occasions. Life with her was easy and I looked forward to seeing her name on my phone screen, hearing her voice down the hallway at the hospital, holding her hand walking out to the parking lot and kissing her in bed. It was all easy, until today.

I received an incoming text message from Tessa, "Hey babe, Susan has me jumping on a quick flight to Portland to deal with a PR nightmare. I take off this afternoon but I'll be home at best tomorrow morning."

I replied, "Just about to jump into a 5 hour surgery. When I get out you will be in the air, so please call me when you land."

I finished my surgery in just under 6 hours, due to a small complication in the procedure. Baby Jack had pulled through and so I decided I would spend the night monitoring him. This way, I can keep a close eye on him in case we need to jump back into the OR and I wouldn't be alone in my bed for the first time in a weeks.

Tessa had landed in Portland around 2pm and texted me twice since then letting me know she was stuck in a board room with the hospital board. I found myself scrolling through the photos of Tessa and I on my camera roll until a fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt my world collapse in front of me.

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