You've Waited Long Enough

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Watching Tessa walk down the aisle towards me and the life we would officially start together was the greatest gift of my life. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life and when you add the wedding dress, wow, you can only imagine how lucky and special I felt.

When Tessa met me at the alter she wiped a tear away from my eyes and caressed my cheek.

"I love you," I lipped to her and she reciprocated.

We had asked Miranda, who was my boss, but also one of my closest friends and confidants to officiate our wedding and so she proceeded with the ceremony.

"Arizona would you like to share your vows to Tessa?" Miranda encouraged.

Holding Tessa's hands in mine I said, "Tessa, when I first saw you, you completely took my breathe away. I remember thinking, 'Wow, that beautiful, magical smile can cure any patient that stepped into the hospital.' And when I met you for the first time I remember thinking, 'Wow, that soothing voice can calm the entire medical staff at the hospital. And when we first kissed I remember thinking, 'Wow, I'm going to marry her someday.' Tessa I vow to love you with every ounce of my being for the rest of my life. I love you so much baby."

Tessa was fighting tears, collecting herself before sharing her vows with me. "Tessa will you share your vows to Arizona?"

"Arizona, I don't know how to top your vows, but I will try." Our wedding guests, myself and Miranda laughed. "Arizona, if there are two words I would use to describe you they would be 'magical' and 'awesome'. From the way you tell your tiny human patients fairy tales and stories before their big surgeries to how you always know what to say to friends and family when they are going through a rough time, you are purely magical. And to top it all off you are working as a full-time paediatric surgeon was also being a fellow for one of the toughest surgeons I have ever worked with, sorry Herman!" Tessa giggled peering her head over to Nicole in the crowd. "Arizona your resilience to learn, treat and care for everyone who crosses your paths is what makes you awesome and I am beyond lucky to able to spend the rest of my life watching you in awe. I love you with all my heart."

"Can I kiss her now, please Bailey?" I asked in desperation as everyone laughed.

"I suppose you've waited long enough," Miranda chuckled. "I know pronounce you married! You may kiss your wife."

I cupped Tessa's face tightly and kissed her warm supple lips with such fire knowing now that she is my wife.

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