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Yikes, I haven't posted in a week. Relax I'm alive. Sorry for not writing. And the reason is just four simple words. My mental health sucks!

Addison's Pov.

"I'm not comfortable with you staying with her Addie," Samantha said as she flopped down onto the bed.

"Why?" I asked as I folded my arms. She arched an eyebrow as she leaned up on her elbow.

"Because, she just gives me that vibe that she wants to get into your pants Addison" Sam stated.

"Seriously Sam? Do you really think of her like that!" I said in a tone of annoyance.

"You said it your self she was kind of a whore back then," she went on. I rolled my eyes.

"When She was younger, and don't call her that!" I snapped. Samantha rolled her eyes.

"So you can say it, but I can't?" Sam asked.

"She's my wife and I can say whatever I want, and you should just go back home!" I yelled.

"You got divorced, so she isn't you wife and I'm not leaving without you!" She fired back.

"We never got divorced!" I said quietly but harshly. "I left her." Sam's jaw dropped to the floor.

"So you lied to me?" She asked, hurt that I would lie to her.

"Yes, and that's not all, we're done" I said harshly before walking out of her hotel room and heading home.

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