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Same day...

I just woke up and it feels like I don't want to do anything much today but who can avoid going to school. Well lets get started. I get out of my bed and do my morning routine. And just as I'm finished my mom calls out, "Violet! Finish getting ready and come downstairs. Its time." "Coming mom." I yell.

Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am Violette Laviolette but sometimes my parents, sister and my friends call me Violet and I'm eleven years old. I'm currently in 6th grade. Well I'm good at my studies and school activities but the other stuff you'll find out as we go along.

I don't know why but I am really nervous for some reason to go to school today and believe me that has never happenend. But whatever! I get in the car along with my dad and as usual he drops me off to school. I get out of the car and walk to the stairs up my class. As I get near my class I see my friend actually my best friend, she is my partner in crime and her name is Amelia Evans, she is really great and even though we both are quite opposite of each other we just clicked and how we met is something I'll tell you later. So as I reach near the class I see her and wave at her.

'Hey girl! Good morning!' she says

'Good morning to you too! Now come on come inside mam will almost be here.' I reply

'You go, I have some work to do for Franchis sir (our gym coach and physical exercise sir). I'll be back before mam is taking attendance.'

'Ok if you are not by then I'll let mam know that you are just running errands for Franchis sir. Ok. See ya' I speak and then go inside class.

When I entered the class it is all weird, a boy named Alexander Hardy who happens to be in the same class, he and his friends are all huddled up in one corner of the classroom and whispering something. Well that is not weird, the weird part is when I come in, they all stop talking or more like murmuring and all of a sudden turn by turn each one of them started telling me hi's and hello's and how are doing's and stuff. Well everyone except him. So, not to come out as rude I wave to him and we do our usual greetings because we are friends, well not exactly friends but I am more comfortable with him than any of the boys in the class. That one small interaction of ours leads to all this throat clearing and fake coughing which causes Alexander to raise his eyebrows at them in a threatening way which shut them up.

I choose to ignore that and go to sit at my designated place for today which by the way due to our maths teacher's kindness (note the sarcasm) is a weird bit. But I'll try to explain. Ok so the girls sit in the middle of the bench while the boys sit either side of the girl. Everyday the girls sitting in the middle has to move a bench back while the boys have to move a bench forward. So trying to remember where I was sitting yesterday I move a bench back and put my bag down starting to refer the things and going through them what we have to do today. I know a nerd but my bestie isn't here and I don't feel like talking to anyone else right now.

As the lectures started they all settled down and we were back to our routine or so I thought. It is all planned for the lunch break by them. I also notice that some of them are waiting for the break more nervously and anxiously than normal. I mean come on it's not like if you keep on tapping your fingers or foot hard enough it's gonna come any faster, is it? Then what is the rush. Finally when I think I have had enough of this tapping I tell Ian (the guy who is sitting on my right side).

'Can you just stop it? It's frustrating and what is your problem if you're so eager to get out of the class then just ask mam's permission, but stop disturbing me.' I whisper yell as to not wanting mam to notice we are talking.

'Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you, it's just I have a lot on my mind right now and have to do a few things before the break ends. That's why.' He says

'Fine. It's okay but just stop cause it's distracting.' I reply and feel that he may have a lot on his mind and so I let it go. All this while not knowing that Ethan(the guy sitting on my left side) was listening to our conversation intently and I have no idea why.

Anyways after four long lectures finally the bell rang that indicates that it indeed is break time. And as soon as that bell rang Ian and Ethan as well as other Alexander's friends spring out from their seat and when I thought they were excited to go play and enjoy in the grounds they all again huddle up at Alexander's seat which just so happens to be five benches away from where I'm seating. But not wanting to waste my break time on pondering that, I finally go to meet my bestie but got stopped by Jade saying we were all going to play downstairs and asks if I want to join and I of course happily agree.

Its kinda new routine all the girls, that is sixteen-seventeen girls, of the class go play downstairs in the break, like any game. Today we are gonna play 'Leg connect' game, in this game at first we have to stand in a circle then a person starts the game by joining any of his/her leg to any one of the leg of other person who is standing beside him/her and that goes on till a person loses his/her balance and gets 'out' then all can straighten up, well sounds easier than done. So, to start the game we all make a circle games moves on. Jade today was behaving a bit strange, she is following me everywhere in the break and is standing next to me in the game due to which I can't talk to Amelia about Alexander's and his friends' different behavior. What? We talk about each and everything, so what, and not telling her this thing for whole day was killing me. But not to come out as rude I suck it up and play beside Jade.

For the first one or two rounds everyone was fine but then it is like Jade saw something or someone from the corner of her eye and she loses her balance and takes me with her or I guess pretend to lose her balance. But I didn't know that. Anyways so we both leave the circle and step aside. I think that okay now once Amelia loses we both can talk but I guess Jade has other plans. She drags me down the corridor by which we were playing. We aren't supposed to be there unless we want to use the restroom which is on the same path. But she drags me pass that too and takes me to the front door of a small playground where we used to play when we were in kindergarten but not anymore. That door doesn't remain locked so its not like its an abandoned corridor or anything but I am surprised as to why did she drag me all the way to bring me here, I mean we haven't been here since years. So I ask, 'Jade? Why did you bring me here?'

'I want to show you something that's why I brought you here.' She says


'Just go tell him what you feel and talk.' She answers

'Jade, what are you....' I try to ask her but before I can complete the sentence she pushs me inside the door, not roughly but enough to send me in. And I come back as fast as I was pushed in but not before catching a glimpse of what is inside which sends me into a full sprint and I get away from there. That sight made me then understand what Jade was trying to tell me which causes me to run away from there even faster.


Hello readers!

What do you think Violette saw? And why did she ran away from Jade, the playground and the place? To know more keep reading and don't forget to vote and to comment. Thank you for your time and will try to update regularly. And special thanks to SprkleStarz who helped me in picking up names because to be honest I suck at that job. Also MandyTheMadness who also helped me in picking up names. So both of you thanks a lot and hope you all enjoy the story.

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