Part - 4

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I see Amelia and wave at her but can't go and meet her as prayer starts. As I get up for the prayer, but can not do so properly because I suddenly feel dizziness, which causes me wobble a bit on my legs. I kind of lose my balance which would have caused my head to slam on the desk but luckily Alexander is quick to hold me by my forearm. He helps me sit down and tells me to keep my head on the desk and close my eyes. I do as told but can't help to think that he was so soft when he tells me to do so, also I cooperate with him so easily it's because to be honest I don't want to go home as I like being at school. I know it sounds weird right! But I can not help it. It is like this since I was small. I was told by my mom that I did not even cried on my very first at school of kindergarten.

As I have kept my head down, I hear Alexander talking to our teacher and telling her why I am not standing during the prayer. After about five to ten minutes the prayer end. Also the dizzy feeling and the ringing in my ears all together stops but still there's a of feeling numbness still lingering. Instead now, I can't feel my fingers along with that there are forming black spots in front of my eyes. From the portions through which I can watch, I see that Alexander notices the fact which is that my eyes are not focused.

He rushes by my side and asks, 'Are you still not feeling okay?'

'No, actually now I can't even feel my fingers and there are black dots in front of my eyes. I'm scared. It feels like they are increasing.' I tell him truthfully. I know I hate the feeling where I have to tell someone when I am scared or have to tell them my fears but as all say, 'Drastic time calls for drastic measures' and also the fact of me knowing that no matter what, he will not laugh at me under these type of circumstances or situations.

'Okay! Let's do one thing, I will take you to the medical room and there you can have a normal check up where we will find out what is happening to you. Sounds good?' He asks.

'No, Alexander I can not have you missing your lecture or probably lectures because of me. And anyways I will manage.' I tell him with a good shake of my head which causes a sudden dizzy feeling which makes me hold my head and stay still for a minute or two.

'Hey! Hey! Easy, easy! Don't move your head much. You will feel sick again. Also, this proves my point that you need medical attention immediately, let me go and take teacher's permission slip, then I will take you to the medical room. Till then you take a seat and keep your eyes close if that helps. Got it?' He says.

'Yes. Understood sir.' I say sarcastically and want to do a mock salute, actually itching to do a mock salute but I have to refrain myself from doing so.

As soon as he leaves, I slowly move around my head and try to look around through my eyes where there are no black dots, or blackness, to see if anybody heard or saw our little episode. But to my utter surprise or rather to my utter shock nobody was even looking our way. Suddenly then I realize that we were whispering the whole time, so nobody can have known what was happening. For all they could think, we both could have been discussing some class related work assigned to us by our teacher. Well, that is a relief to know. I am so glad.

As I am lost in my thoughts I don't hear Alexander coming near and also the fact  that I can not see properly does not help. But also now I can feel a bit of improvement in my eyesight. Well that is good. But I don't think so that Alexander will let me go off the hook about this one no matter how hard I try to convince him. So I think it is better to get it over as soon as possible and get back to class and work.

He calls out to me and tells me he got the permission slip and we are good to go. I leave the class keeping my head down and try not to let it show that I am basically walking half blind. Alexander quickly understands what is going on in my head and he discreetly holds my hand and guides me out of the class.

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