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To say I am shocked will be the understatement of the year. I mean what the hell was Alexander doing there and that also waiting for me. Even though I'm innocent doesn't mean I haven't watched romance movies and that also doesn't mean that my eleven year old self won't understand what Jane was trying to say by 'Just go and tell what you feel and talk' I think these things  and I'm sure my face must have turned into a grimace. 

I mean I don't even want to know what would have happened if I went in there and talked to him... Also what would he have told me. Anyways while thinking these things I go and try to look for Amelia but don't find her in the place where we were playing. Gosh, now I have to search for her while hiding from Jane. 

Groaning once, I start looking for Amelia but have no luck with it. But while doing that I see many of Alexander's friends' keeping tabs on me. I mean at first I thought it might be just a coincidence but then my eyes meet with Ethan and when I saw his way he looks away. How weird is that? Anyways I thought that I'll confront him about it later in the class. Also having no luck in finding Amelia I start climbing the stairs where I spot her and I run over to her not wanting to cause unwanted attention to draw towards us by yelling her name. I approach her and grab her hand, stepping aside from the storming students' line. 

'Where were you the whole break?' She asks immediately and this reaction of hers was predictable.

'That's not the point right now and I want to tell you something really really important.' I say

'No, not right now. We'll be late for the lecture and if we are caught roaming in the corridor by one of the teachers after the break, we'll surely get some kind of punishment.' 

'Will you listen!!' And I whisper yell that shuts her up and because not knowing what to do in some situation always gets to me and I like having the situation under control which by the way she knows. Then I start telling her everything that has happened to me today from the morning to the break and Jane's weird behaviour everything.

'Ok! I get what you're trying to saying and I am also certain that you are right but before jumping onto any conclusions you should clear things out with Alexander, if not with him then at first talk to Ian and Ethan. Maybe they might be knowing what's going, will tell you what is it about! Also talk to Jane later when you go to your bench and confront her, I'm sure she'll tell you what was that about. And also she is sitting just one bench ahead of you, so it will be easy for you to talk to her. Ok?' She explains to me. 

See this is why she is my best friend, I'm the impulsive one and easily get panicked whereas she remains composed and tries to look at a situation through everyone's perspective. 

'Yeah you're right I should talk to them first.' I say

'I know I'm right. Now come on! Otherwise we gonna be late for the class.' She says while dragging me, while I'm dreading to having a conversation with Jane which sure is going to be filled with awkwardness. 

When we reach the class I pray that they wouldn't able to make it and won't be able to attend the next lectures but as always my praying doesn't even help and by the way I also knew that they wouldn't skip the class just because of this whole mess. Well technically a mess for me, for them I don't even know what this whole situation for them is! Anyways swallowing the lump in my throat I go and sit in my place and call out to Jane but at first two times she doesn't turn  then I call out turning volume up a notch which she hears and turns around facing me.

'What the hell was that during the break and why would you push me like that?' I asked getting angry.

'It was nothing but a dare. I'm sorry I should have told you before I did that but I thought you won't like it. You being used in a dare and all that.' She says but immediately I feel these all lines are like memorized before I came in. But wanting to know myself and not wanting them to know that I'm suspicious I act along.

'Of course I wouldn't have minded. You should know that much in the least about me. I mean it was not as if you were doing it willingly, were you? So its fine, Chill. But it shouldn't happen again. But by the way when were you playing, I mean you were with me the whole time before that.' I say. 

'Um uh It.. it was before the break.' She says stuttering and I also knew that she was lying by the look on her face but don't make any comment on that and just act like I bought their act but I didn't do well because Ian still looks at me suspiciously. So, I change the topic quickly and ask him instead, 'Why were you all looking at me in the break that way? What were you guys playing?' Not to sound doubtful I ask it that way.

'Um yeah we were playing a sort of detective game and role play and all that where you were the target today. Sorry!' He says and I don't believe a word he is saying because they never EVER play games where role play is involved. I mean come on not even the girls in our class play those games, but whatever. 

'Really? Anyways where was Alexander? Doesn't he always play with you guys? I mean I didn't see him anywhere in the break.' I ask in a way as to make him think that I didn't see Alexander in that small playground but I think that he knows that I saw him.

'I don't know, he said that he had something to do and didn't play with us in the break and he doesn't really like this game. Why? What did you think?' He says.

'Nothing I just wanted to know that's it. And I didn't get what you guys were playing that's why I asked. Nothing else.' I answer.

'You thought we were ...' He says and then clears his throat and coughs a little then says '...doing that?' 

'No! Whatever that means but I'm sure it didn't even cross my mind.' I play innocent but quickly avert my eyes. And that way he doesn't answer any of my questions.  Oh okay so he wants to act too. Fine two can at a game. I'll just find things by their reactions. Let's begin. 

But then suddenly he calls out to Alexander who is sitting five benches ahead of us and tells him, 'She knows everything. She knows everything.' 

'What are you talking about? I don't know anything.' I say 

'We are talking about you.' says Ethan from other side of me. And Alexander asks, 

'How did she find out?' 

'Because of Jane. She told her everything.' Ian says

'WHAT!' Jane shrieks.

'She didn't tell me anything.' I speak not wanting to cause trouble to Jane because of me.

'We are NOT talking about you.' Ian and Ethan both say simultaneously.

Then I come back to my plan that is making them react so I call out to Jane again and tell her, 'I'm calling you today. At what time should I call you? When will you be free in the evening?' I bluff because I don't even have her number. Anyways when I am saying these things I see Ian shaking his head to Jane and mouthing something to her.

Then he calls out to Alexander again and tells him that she definitely knows but this time I keep my mouth shut and don't say anything. But after that Ian says

'No problem we'll use plan B on Friday as plan A is ruined because of Jane.' I again don't say anything. But as soon as he says plan B I look up and see what he meant by 'plan B on Friday' and because I understood immediately what was going to happen on Friday. And as soon as I realize what was it, a gasp leaves my mouth with a 'shit' too. Seriously I don't want to come to school on Friday  because....


Hello readers!

So as promised I'm trying to update every week and hope you all enjoy this part. But continue to read to find out why Violette gasped and what did she understood? And what is the plan B? And don't forget to vote and comment. 

This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends whose name I don't tell but I'm sure that person understands who I'm talking about. 

Thank you very much for reading!

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