Man in Uniform || Fredrick Zoller

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The French sunrise greeted me as I walked into the beautiful scenery of Eiffel Tower on my way to work. I also noticed some German soldiers around then I remember that they were assigned here after Der Führer command that the Basterds might be roaming around Paris.

I was so focus on where I was walking that I bumped into someone. My bag dropped and my things inside scattered around the place.

"I'm so sorry, mademoiselle. I didn't see you" the guy apologized as he kneeled and help me pick my things.

"Merci." I said after he helped me out and that's the time I fully saw the guy who bumped to me. A German soldier.

"Mein Gott." I mouthed in German.

"Es tut mir Leid. I didn't mean to bumped into you. I'm n-not looking at--"

"Oh no. I should be the one to say that" he offended. "I thought you're French by the way you speak" he added.

"Oh. I am truly French but I grew up in Germany and that makes me spoke more German than French. People always think of me as German because I sound like one but I'm starting to work on my French." I answered.

"May I know your name, mademoiselle?"

"Rachel Agreste"

"Pleasure to meet you, Mademoiselle Agreste." he winked as he grab my hand and planted a kiss at the back of it.

"Merci." I said in French. My eyes landed on his gentle brown eyes, so beautiful and blooming. It's like he can make all the women in Paris fall in love with him just by staring at it. But it depends to them if they found German attractive, especially German soldiers.

"My name's Fredrick Zoller." He finally introduced himself. "Pleasure" I replied.

"Anyway I need to go or I'll be late at work. Thank you again." I said and I was about to leave when he grab my wrist.

"Would you mind if you...err--let me take you to your workplace and...have lunch with you after? It's the least thing I could do after I bumped into you."

"You don't have to."

"S'il vous plaît, mademoiselle." he pleaded in French with his inviting and glowing brown eyes. How can I say 'no' to this man in uniform. He's a literal dream to me.

"Ehh--Oui. If that would bring peace to you." I smiled shyly to him. "Yes, it really is." he grinned and cleared his throat. "Uhh--may I?" he asked, offering me his left arm.

"Oh. Merci." I chuckled on his chivalry gesture and grab his arm. Together we walk our way to my workplace while talking about ourselves.

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