Chapter Four : Dark Red Moon

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For the first time, the road was silent as Marceline, Zen and Damien walked below the nearly dark sky where the full moon was rising above. The scene from earlier left Marceline clutching her fists and walking with an angry vibe emitting from her while Damien and Zen hadn't spoken a word since then; silence was suffocating the ambiance between the trio as the young woman was a few steps ahead showing her refusal to talk, in the flip side, Damien had a calm expression while Zen had a shadow across his face hiding his features. Suddenly, a scream was heard nearby which made them stop and look at where it came from, without a warning, Marceline flew into that direction as the two men followed behind her.

"Help!" It was a young woman around Marceline's age who had a middle length pink hair and olive eyes, and who was also nearly killed by a monster that was in the form of a huge spider. Marceline quickly jumped in and cut the beast's head into half instantly ending its life then she glanced at the young woman behind her.

"Are you okay?" Marceline asked as the woman nodded with her mouth and eyes wide-open.

"T-Thank you for saving my life," the woman stuttered, then she got off the ground as Marceline nodded.

"You should get back to your house. It's almost dark here," Marceline said, the woman nodded and looked at her with a smile.

"By the way, my name is Silia, may I ask for yours?" Silia asked as Damien and Zen joined Marceline's side. Speaking of Marceline, she found the name Silia oddly familiar to her but she decided not to think a lot about it.

"I'm Marceline and this is Damien and Zen," Marceline introduced herself and the two men, but she noticed the look on Silia's eyes once she had told her name.

"I'd been friends with Princess Marceline when my parents were working in the castle of our kingdom back when I was young and Damien was her personal guard's name," Silia said which made Marceline stare at her in shock, but she couldn't remember that woman due to her foggy memories.

"D-Do you know my uncle Clyde?" Marceline stuttered, not recovering from her shock.

"Yes, Sir Clyde has been living here for the past few years after the attack, is it why you are here?" Silia asked, and Marceline answered with a simple yes.

"Follow me; I can take you to him," Silia said as she started walking off followed by the trio. Marceline could see houses and small illuminated roads thanks to the torches hanging on the walls; however, she could also feel a strong presence of magic around the village which explained that probably a wizard, a mage or a witch was living nearby. A faint barrier was surrounding the village which allowed Silia to go in but prevented Marceline, Damien and Zen from going in.

"Hold my hand," Silia commanded while extending her hand for Marceline to grab, but Marceline looked at her with confusion as she grabbed her hand.

"Now please, can you touch Marceline or me so the barrier can allow you to access inside?" She asked Damien and Zen.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind holding your hand," Zen said with a teasing tone while looking at Marceline, but his view was blocked by Damien's back who placed his hand on the young woman's shoulder. Zen glared at Damien as the other man closed his eyes calmly and ignored him completely, then Zen put his hand on Damien's shoulder as the four walked through the barrier.

"The village is under the protection of a wizard who lives in that hill if you can see it, the people living here are simple and peaceful but many years ago, we suffered from starvation, diseases and robbery thus so many people died either starving to death or by an incurable disease or died while protecting their stuff and food from getting stolen by bandits. But all of that changed when Sir Clyde came here, he helped us get more food than enough, he got doctors with medicines that cured the illnesses that killed most people and then he hired a loyal wizard to build a barrier all around the village to prevent bandits and magical monsters from attacking us. We are very grateful for him," Silia finished telling the trio -especially Marceline- about the past of her village while walking to Clyde's lodging, the female vampire couldn't see people around which meant they had already been inside their houses.

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