💞Keep U💞

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"Come on jungkook! I know you don't like this but only you can do this"

he put his coffee down and look at his father but not really his dad.
"Only me?Why?!Look old man...I only do lot's of work but i seriously i hate being a bodyguard of kids and arrogant stubborn people!"
he said angrily

"You just have to act as a normal bodyguard and earn their trust,you have to find the file and drag them down!they took away my everything so they have to pay for it!" his father pointed at the picture of an old businessman.

"He's a traitor jungkook!!He took my life out there and betrayed me! Because of him I didn't get to take care of my wife and daughter!They died he killed them!"

"Just get someone else!" he stood up and walks to the door to leave.

"If you do this you will be the new leader of the group"

he stop after hearing what his father said. He's been asking him about it,their gang group is called bangtan.All of them was raised and saved by his father. Instead of just living as a normal family they choose to be a group of low profile but professionals.

"You will take care of this place and your group.You guys grown well" the old guy said

he smirks and turn around.

"I know this... you're leaving us.If its a vacation I'll let you go,but if you will be gone and will never comeback then i won't do this and i won't let you"

The old man laugh
"ofcourse i will visit you guys,You're the only family I have. I am so glad that i got to meet you all

"Me too, so it's clear?I'll do it and you won't be gone for long right?"


"What the f*ck is this?" he thought when he arrived at the mansion

He passed all the interviews and skill testing days ago and it was easy for him.But now he can't believe his eyes that the person he was guarding was a girl...a beautiful angelic girl.

After knowing the people there and the place he was now in his room.

"Why didn't you tell me it's a girl?!"

"So what if it's a girl??"

"No!She's like an 18 yearold girl!"

"So what?"

"I thought it was a kid!!"

"It doesn't matter,just do what we planned!drag them down and make them suffer!I just want a revenge jungkook."

He put the phone down and just started preparing himself for his first day of work.

"I guess this is okay,Kids are more troublesome i think"
After preparing he straightly went to where Seungri's Room is. That's what her father said.

But he noticed something fishy when he talked to Mr.Lee. He told him that he must not let anyone talk or get close to her.

he knocks on the door girl's first but there's no response.

"Miss?" he knock again but still no response so he got no choice but to open the door.But the door is lock.

Then he heard a loud sound inside like something fell hard or bump hard.

He started panicking...he doesn't have the keys of the girl's room and the mansion is too huge to look for it. He can't take long something must have happened to her!

He stopped when he got an idea.

He went back to his room which is just beside her room.He walked on the roof to the window of the girl's room.

Nankook OneShots:Happy Endings!!By:Nan_kookersWhere stories live. Discover now