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josh and playz took doggo on a walk to the train station.

on their way there doggo would keep pooping and it kinda annoyed playz but its ok

it do be a fine day tho

"we're here" playz said

"yems" josh said

"woof" doggo said

they watched the trains for a few minutes and josh got used to the loud h o n k s

suddenly doggo sees a cat next to a train

doggo started woofing at the cat and eventually his leash broke and he jumped down onto the train tracks chasing the chomnky cat

"nooo domggo cum bamck" josh screamed

a train started and doggo didnt see it cuz he was too focused on the cat


cat ran away and doggo got hit by a train

the train stopped and josh and playz ran down to help doggo but it was too late

doggo was dead

josh and playz 2 ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora