Part 2 - The Glass House

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You woke up extra early in the morning to meet Justin at the studio again. He didn't give you a time for when to be there, so you figured you'd go early to see if he was there. You got all dressed up again, putting on natural make-up. Since it was only 10 blocks and figured you needed the exercise, you decided to walk back down the studio. As you were walking you heard hundreds of screams, and as you walked closer they got louder, and this time, you could see hundreds of girls screaming, waiting at the studio fence for Justin. You started losing hope. You figured Justin may not even remember you. You sighed, walking up to the crowd of girls. You could see Justin's car parked in the studio drive-way. You decided to sit back down on the path with the other girls, just hoping Justin could see you and remember you. Few hours past, you could hear Justin blasting his new music, but Justin still hadn't come out. None of the girls were moving. You sighed. More hours past, Justin came out. All of the girls stood up, screaming running back towards the fence again, pushing you out of the way. You saw Justin walk out, hiding underneath his hoodie walking quite fast to his car. You stood up attempting to jump up and down waving your arms in the air to try and grab his attention, but it didn't work. You watched as Justin quickly got into his car driving out of the studio, speeding down the road the other way. All of the girls tried chasing his car down. You sighed looking down. "I knew he wouldn't remember me..." with tears forming in your eyes, you walked back down the streets, back to your house. You let a few tears run down your cheeks. "Was stupid to even think Justin would remember me..." You wiped your eyes, kicking up dirt letting another tear roll down your cheek. As you were walking, you heard a car sounds it's horn. You looked in front of you, looking around in hope of seeing Justin's car. You looked back down, but as you kicked up more dirt you heard the same car horn again. You looked behind you, and sure enough you saw Justin in his white ferarri come speeding up behind you.

You watched him pull his car up beside you. "Where are you off to?" Justin removed his shades, resting them just on his nose. "Quickly hop in before the crazy girls find us" Justin leaned over opening the car door for you. You quickly hopped in closing the door as Justin sped off down the street. "I'm sorry I drove off and didn't stop at the studio, I did see you" You looked at Justin as he properly put his shades back on. "You saw me...?" Justin quickly looked at you. "Yeah, I saw you walking towards the studio through the window, you stood out from the crowd and it sucks how out of no where hundreds of girls showed up." You look down. "I understand" you could feel your palms beginning to sweat and you could feel your heart starting to beat a million miles per minute. You were convinced this was all a dream, that it wasn't real. "Where are we going...?" Justin smiled. "Just for a drive I guess. I've finished up my album"
"YOUR ALBUM?!" You started getting over excited. Justin just looked at you. "I'm sorry I..." Justin laughed.
"All good all good I know it's exciting I'm excited too" you smile.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Hey, it's fine, really" Justin looked at you and smiled. You took deep breaths calming yourself down as Justin pulls up outside of his house. Your jaw dropped, it looked even bigger in real life. "This is your house?!" Justin hopped out of his car. "This is my house..." You took another deep breath, getting out of Justin's car following him up to his house. You looked all around at the house as Justin unlocked the front door. You felt yourself starting to feel dizzy. You told yourself to stay calm, that you were alright. "Come on I'll show you around" You felt yourself starting to pass out. "Hey are you alright...?" You shook your head, and the last thing you remembered was everything going black.

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