Part 17 - The talk

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You sat on the stairs quietly crying to yourself. you knew you got Justin into huge trouble, and your friendship was more than likely gonna be over. Everything was quiet for a few minutes as Scooter and Justin were talking. You brushed your hair out of your face looking down to the hallway. You jumped, suddenly hearing Justin yell. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL YOU'RE TOO BUSY WITH YOUR OTHER ARTISTS TO EVEN CARE ABOUT ME!" You continued looking down the hall, becoming quite uncomfortable and scared. You've never heard Justin this angry before. You could hear Scooter yelling back at Justin. "IM JUST TRYING TO PROTECT YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE!" You covered your face as you heard Justin yell back. "WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE'S GONNA HURT ME?! SHES A BELIEBER AND WE'VE ONLY KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR A FEW DAYS AND SHE'S BEEN THERE FOR ME MORE THAN YOU HAVE!" You jump again as you saw Justin barge out of the room, Scooter following behind him. "WE ARE NOT DONE TALKING YET!"
"WELL I AM!" You stood up as Justin came walking down to you. He gave you an angry look. "Justin I'm so-"
"Just forget about it y/n just go home!" Justin barged past you running up the stairs as you watch him. You looked back at Scooter who was looking at you. You heard Justin slam his bedroom door, both you and Scooter jumping.

You and Scooter stared at each other for a while before you started talking. "Listen, I mean no harm to Justin..." Scooter looked over at the front door. "How about you go home and let Justin cool off for a while" You looked down, but then you remembered what Justin said to you last night, but you knew if you told Scooter, Justin would be even more mad at you, so you decided to introduce yourself to Scooter and let him get to know you, so maybe then Scooter could give you a chance. "Before I go home... could I please talk to you...?" Scooter thought to himself. "Please...?" Scooter nodded. "Alright, come to the living room with me then" You looked upstairs, super worried about Justin, but you knew it was best to leave him on his own until he calmed down. You followed Scooter sitting down on the couch in front of him. "What did you wanna talk to me about?" You tried not to let your nerves get the best of you, you decided to explain everything to Scooter, how you and Justin met and what's been happening for the past days. "I just want you to know that Justin and I aren't an item, at all. Justin and I are just friends..." Scooter nodded.

"Justin and I met a couple of nights ago at the studio, I missed out on the chance of meeting him, so he came out and comforted me because I was rather upset, and it got really late at night so Justin offered to drive me home, so he did and that was very kind of him to do" Scooter nodded his head, moving his tongue around in his mouth. "And Justin asked me to meet him at the studio again the next day because he said he'd love to see me again and I went, but he drove off and I didn't get to see him, but as I walked home he pulled up beside me and he took me over to his house. He gave me a tour and we watched movies and kicked back that afternoon." Scooter looked down at the table. "Then after that he stayed at mine for dinner, my parents loved him and he used his manners and he was very sweet and behaved... then after that, he sat up in my room with me and we were just talking, nothing else" Scooter looked at you, you were hoping he was thinking about giving the friendship a chance. "And we've gone shopping and we had a little argument but we both fixed it..." Scooter sighed. "He stayed at mine too, only because he was too tired to drive home... he was really well behaved and him and I don't have anything going on..."

There was a silence as Scooter sat there thinking. "Justin really needs a friend... someone to be there for him all the time... he needs to know, I'm a busy man and I have other artists to work with. I can't be there for him all the time" You nod. Scooter leaned closer to you. "You need to understand that Justin can become very attatched to people, and right now I think he's growing attatched to you quite fast." You thought "Awwww that is too cute..." but instead, you said "I understand that"
"Once he becomes attatched to someone, he finds it extremely hard to move on from that person, and I'm saying just a simple, 'I'm sorry I can't hang out today' can cause him to feel rejected and he becomes upset, and boy can he get out of hand..."
"Maybe he just wants someone to be there for him..." Scooter nodded.
"Of course he does, but sometimes you have to learn how to say no to him..." You nodded as there was another silence. "I love him, he's like a son to me. And he is still struggling from his past... I'm not sure if you were aware he was suffering from depression at that time..."
"No I did" Scooter nodded.
"His past isn't something he's very proud of, so he's struggling from moving on from that..." You looked up and you saw Justin standing in the doorway of the living room. "I honestly believe he needs to have a friend, but I'm just concerned about him becoming out of hand. You saw Justin look down holding back tears. You looked back at Scooter. "I think I can handle him Scooter... he really needs a friend, so I wanna be that friend..." You looked over at Justin who looked at you, letting tears roll down his cheeks. You looked back at Scooter smiling. "I can handle him" Scooter sighed thinking, before coming up with his final decision for the friendship.

"Alright... very well... if you can get the friendship to work, by all means, go for it" You look over at Justin smiling, he wiped his tears giving you a little smile back.

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