Chapter 40: Shots Fired

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Message from: Hotch
I'm glad he's opening up to you.
Yes, he absolutely is.
If you ever want tips on helping him with regression, just let me know.

Spencer smiled at me as we finished cleaning up from dinner and put the dishes away. "Anything interesting?"

"Just talking to Hotch about how adorable you are," I answered.

He actually pouted, sticking out his lower lip with exaggerated puppy-dog eyes, "I'm not adorable."

I picked up my phone and snapped a picture before he could stop me, "What do you call that face then?"

"I'll fight you," he muttered, resuming the task of cleaning up.

I scrolled idly though my phone, finding the song I was looking for, connecting to our home speaker and playing. Spencer looked up at the song, the same one we'd danced to for our first dance at our wedding.

I held out my hand, "May I have this dance?"

He smiled and took my hand, moving away from the sink and placing one hand on my shoulder as I put one hand on his back. We swept around the kitchen and living room, lost in the music and each other. When the song ended, Spencer swept me into a dip and kiss.

"I love you," I smiled as I straightened back up.

"I love you too."

I leaned against his chest for a second, feeling his heartbeat, just relaxing. "Hey, Spence?"

"Mm hmm?" he asked, looking down at me.

"Can we just watch TV and cuddle tonight?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to be with him.

"Of course, I'll put the dishes away, pick something." He walked back to the kitchen and I immediately navigated to Doctor Who, knowing Spencer loved watching it. "Okay, whenever you're ready."

Spencer walked back to the couch, settling between my legs and resting his head on my chest as I started the episode. He sang along to the theme song, making me smile, and I just relaxed against the arm of the couch. I don't remember exactly when I fell asleep, but I surfaced for a second when I could feel Spencer carry me to the bedroom, then fell back into the world of dreams.


I woke up to the smell of coffee and Spencer wrapped around me. I hummed and smiled, cuddling back into him.

"Morning, darling," he smiled and kissed my neck. "How did you sleep?"

"Really well," I turned my head and kissed him. "You?"

"Same." He kissed me back, tasting of coffee. "You have an appointment at 11, I already made coffee."

"I know, I can taste it," I teased.

He shushed me as we got up, ate breakfast and spent most of the morning cuddling and being affectionate, before Spencer reminded me about my OB/GYN appointment and I groaned, pulling on clothes.

"Will you drive me?" I asked, putting on my best pleading eyes and voice. "I hate driving after an appointment."

"Yeah, of course," he immediately started getting dressed.

He drove me to the appointment, and afterwards took me to get ice cream, making me smile and drown him in kisses. We spent another lazy day at home, Spencer just taking care of me as I was clingy and cuddly. When my phone rang that afternoon, I groaned and asked Spencer to answer it. He listened for a few seconds, then sighed and handed it to me.

"Hello?" I asked.

"(Y/N)?" It was Jenna, calling my work phone. That's odd. "I need help."

I shot up, "What's going on, where are you? What's wrong?"

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