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Sylver Moon walked through her house looking for the ingredients for this "Spell" she saw on Supernatural and thought she would do a bit of pretending and cosplay for TikTok. She dressed up as Dean Winchester. 

She was getting pretty frustrated as she dug through the Cherry cabinets in her kitchen. She couldn't find the lamb's blood. She had already checked in her fridge and was unsuccessful. "Where is that damn blood," she muttered. While she was rifling through her top cabinet, she found it. "Ah HAH! There you are. I knew I had some in here." She picked up the Lambs Blood labeled jar and took it over to her station. She had planned on being in front of the camera when she finished the mixture and drew the sigil. She wanted to make it look authentic. She had her circle light set up, her make-up done, and she was dressed. Now to finish getting things set up. She put her Galaxy S9 up on its stand, made sure it was on selfie mode, put the blood beside the bowl she was using and hit the big red button.

Looking off-screen, "Sammy, would you stop complaining. It's not like we haven't done this before." She put the bone of a lesser saint in, and finally the blood. She turned to her window and drew the symbol on it. As she finished it, it started to glow, just as it did in the show. Next thing she knew there was a force sending her into the glass and sucking her out of her apartment. 

AN: Hello, this is my first Soulmate and Marvel fanfic, so try to be gentle. I am a Supernatural Fan as well and will be talking about some of it in this story. Please Vote and Comment, it will help me along knowing what is good and what is not. I know this is short, but it's meant to be! Should I keep going?

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