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"Ahm and that's all. This was the project we work at "

"I see. Not bad, but it can be better than that. I'm expecting best for a company like this "

"W-What do you mean... We worked months at this project"

"That much for this? I see the employees don't have much experience with it. I'm afraid I might do major changes soon"

"What changes?"

"Oh don't worry, you are not in any. You will rest my assistant"

"Yeah but what about the rest-"

"We'll see. I need to see with my eyes what they are capable of, and then decide"

"Alright..." I looked down. I was actually sad thinking that one of my colleagues can be fired up. I am friends with most of them, and most of all I enjoy working with them.

"How's your ankle?" His voice traveled out of nowhere in my ears like music.


"Your ankle. It still hurts? I told my butler Jin to call the doctor, he should be here soon"

"Oh right. I feel better thanks."

"At least that. Please sit here, we can't risk feeling pain again because of your ankle" he got up and with his arm around my shoulder, he drove me to his bed and put me to sit there.

I feel like it's a really wrong thing as I actually never been into a boy's bed before. I never did that neither with Jimin, I thought it would be better to wait until do such a thing and things to get way to wild. Yah Y/N stop thinking naughty things! He's your boss and he's doing this to be nice, not a pervert. Don't be yourself the pervert one. And for Goddamn, you have a boyfriend! A kind, loving, and caring one that is waiting for you.

I think I was red as he lowers himself in front of me looking into my eyes and then place the back of his right hand on my cheek.

"Are you sick? You have fever-"

"Aish- I'm fine haha stop worrying" I turned my head to the other side avoiding his deep brown eyes that were staring at me intensely.

"You don't look fine, I'll make sure to inform the doctor about it. Please rest until he'll be here"

"Oh-" that's all I could say as he took me up into his strong arms and place me in bed in the sleeping position.

"I'll go to check something, please wait for me here. If you need something just call, one of my butlers will stay outside the door in this case."

"B-But I feel better - I should go-" I said getting up in the sit position.

"There's no excuse when it comes to seeing a specialist. So please, stop saying you are fine if you aren't certain about it."

He said leaving the room before the words could leave my half-opened mouth. He is so... Bossy. Of course.

I sighed and look at the wall next to me. There were pictures on it into classy beautiful frames pinned there. I smiled seeing I guess Jungkook as a little child next to a beautiful woman. She must be his mother. She looks like a warm person and a kind one, unless her son that looked serious even as a child. Why would he be like that? He must get that from his dad? Or maybe that's just his attitude?

I tried to look out for pictures with him and his dad, but there wasn't any. Strange I thought. They must not be too close or in good terms. Wait, if I remember he said he learned from his father to be the best at his job, so... What could be the reason he doesn't have any pictures of him and his father?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden familiar noise of my phone as it starts to ring. I looked around and I noticed that I left my phone on the desk next to Jungkook's PC. There were more than 15 meters away from the bed. He has such a big bedroom damn.

I quickly get up and go that way trying to pick up the phone as fast as I could.
But not as fast as I could actually answer at it in time. The phone call ended right when I was so close. At least I saw from who was.

"Huh, Tae? Why would he call me?" Taehyung was Jimin's best friend and one of my colleagues. He was really nice and we get along very well, but he never actually called me only if something happened. Like Jimin not answering his phone. Might have something happened to Jimin?

I thought for a second before press the 'call' and wait for him to answer.

"Taehyung? "

"Yes hey Y/N! Is everything alright? Jimin told me you are at work with the boss and I know Mr. Hyu would never bring you to work during the weekends"

"Well... The thing is-"

"Huh Y/N? What are you doing up? I told you to stay in bed until the doctor is here. " Jungkook said stopping at the entrance and looking at me with concerned eyes.

"J-Jungkook, ahm I was talking on the phone now. I will go later "

"Jungkook? Y/N? Who's Jungkook?"

"Give me the phone," he said coming closer leading his hand in front of me.

"But-" that all I said because he just took my phone off.

"This is Y/N's Boss. She's working now. I suggest you let her do her job. Goodbye"

"What the hell?! You are not Y/N's boss, her boss is Mr. Hyu-"  I could hear Tae screaming, but Jungkook hangs up the phone and place it on the table.

I gulped looking at him so serious. He looked as if he was angry. It was scary how his eyes slowly turn on me scanning every part of myself. He bit his lower lip before our sights interfere.

"Let's go now" 


"To bed" together? That really was the first thought I had in my mind and it felt like I was burning again.

"W-what? What do you mean?"

"I mean you should stay in bed until the doctor gets here"

"Oh- right" I sighed relieved and go towards the bed, but- yeah he put his arm around my waist and try to help me to walk that way. Again that sensation was present in my body. Shivers down my spine. But the thing that actually gave me shivers was the question he made me all of sudden.

"So is that serious, I mean the relationship with your...boyfriend?" I look at him with widen eyes, but he didn't look back at me.

"Ahm- kind of... I mean I'm with him for years...w-why are you asking?"

"Just wondering. I heard most of the relationships made before the age of 30 end up at some point. A big percent of it actually, that's why"

"Oh...well me and Jimin aren't a part of that percent. I really think we will go beyond the 30 years old together" I said smiling as I looked down.

"Interesting. But how are you so sure? What if you'll meet someone better?"

"Huh? Better? There's no one better when it comes to the person you love "

"So, you love him? Really love him?"

My Cold Boss ➳ Yandere 『JJK x Reader  ー FF』Where stories live. Discover now