author's note

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started: 30-7-20 ended: 18-12-20

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Phew, this is finally over! Hooray! I'm so happy that Sea Foam is over. To be honest, I feel that Sea Foam is the first proper story that I have completed. I have been working on Dead Queens and How to Hunt a Prince (My other works) and I feel like I cannot finish them because of how utterly lengthy they are, haha.

For notes: Hans Christian Andersen wrote the original story to have a ending where the little mermaid dies. Yikes. Apparently, he thought so too, so he changed the story to end in the little mermaid becoming a 'daughter of the air', a creature that had to do three hundred years of good deeds to get into heaven or something.

(He called it a good ending. I call it a cop-out.)

(The author of Mary Poppins thought the same. She called him out. You go, P.L. Travers!)

So I went with his original ending, though if you so desire, you could think that the little mermaid became a daughter of the air, it was just not shown to Third or something. Anyway, thanks for reading and voting and commenting! Do tell me what you thought of this story, and what I could do to potentially improve upon in it!

My other wip is Dead Queens, a quadrilogy (with only one part out haha) which is basically evil Snow White in Ancient China. It's got politics, murder, power struggle, and a cute (sort of...?) romance! I'm going to publish it soon... hopefully. 

If you somehow like my writing and like fairytales, but prefer them slightly less oh-boy-she's-dead and more happy and funny, then I recommend you read my other book, 'How to Hunt a Prince'. It'll come soon.

Now that my shameless self plug is over, I'd like to thank you for reading!

Additionally, my dear friend @qixing, Imogene, made this awesome cover for Sea Foam! Please check out her lovely book, Crossword!!! Plus she also makes excellent covers.

Additionally, my dear friend @qixing, Imogene, made this awesome cover for Sea Foam! Please check out her lovely book, Crossword!!! Plus she also makes excellent covers

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