Chapter 7: New home

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(Peter's POV)

Holy shit holy shit holy shit!

I am moving in with the Avengers! What the actual fuck is happening? How did I go from living on a roof to living in a billion dollar tower with superheroes. I suppose my Parker luck is finally giving me a break.

"We need to take you to the med bay to assess your injuries, Peter. Follow us." Mr Stark leads me into an extremely large elevator and talks to the air, directing us to the floor below. Upon arriving I nearly faint.

"Oh my god you're-"

"The hulk yeah I know." 

"No no I was going to say you're Bruce Banner. I mean the Hulk is cool, but I absolutely love your work. When I was in school I read every single one of your papers on Gamma radiation for a science fair project. You're amazing." The embarrassment never hits. I am to in awe of the famed scientist to feel anything but honoured to be in his presence.

Cheesy I know. 

" thanks kid." Dr Banner looks slightly flustered at my praise, which I consider a success. Mr Stark looks like he is about to erupt, wearing a shit eating grin directed at the scientist.

"So Peter lets get you checked out. I here these idiots broke your wrist." Dr Banner said, sending a glare towards Tony.

"Um yeah they did but I will be fine." They both stared at me like I had grown another head, so I sighed and started to explain my complicated powers.

"Basically when I was bitten by this radioactive spider it gave me enhanced healing among many many other things. As long as I eat enough they should heal by morning. See," I hold up my hand which already is beginning to look semi-normal. "Already healing."

"Radioactive spider?" Tony squeaked looking at me with concern.

"Yeah but I'm fine. Just had a fever for a couple of days."

"So what other powers do you have?" I smiled and started listing of my extensive abilities.

"Enhanced healing, super speed, super strength, enhanced senses and a kind sixth sense I call my Spidey sense. I can create webs but I prefer to use my manufactured webs as they are a lot stronger and way more reliable. I'm also super sticky, like I can stick to almost anything."

"So when you were scaling walls that wasn't your suit that was you?" Dr Banner looked incredibly intrigued by my powers, where as Tony looked dumbfounded.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.

"I see why Fury wanted you on the team." Tony sighed at the mention of this fury guy and rolls his eyes.

"I'm just glad we can help you Pete. From what you have told me your life was pretty shit." I nod, huffing out a life.

"Yeah it was. Until Wade helped me- OH MY GOD!" I completely forgot to call Wade and tell him where I was. He is going to be freaking out, it's gone two in the morning.

In a panic I run to the window and pull on my mask. I ignore the shouts from the two avengers and flip out the open window, webbing my way downtown to Wade's flat. Upon arriving I see that it is completely empty.

"Shit!" I curse, launching myself out yet another window in search of the mercenary. I fish out my phone mid swing and dial his number. It has barely rung once before Wade's voice screams over the speakers.


"I'm so sorry I completely forgot. The avengers took me to the tower and offered me a place there, as I am technically an avenger now. I am so sorry I didn't call."

"Where are you?" His voice was void of any emotion and I am suddenly terrified I have ruined one of the only relationships I have left.

"Corner of 5th." (A/N I have no idea who American streets work, I just know it is something like this lmao)

Wade appears on a rooftop to my left, wearing his suit and equipped with double his normal weapons. He meets my eye and turns away. I flip myself around and land gracefully on the corner of the roof, about three feet from the boy who took me in.

"I'm sorry Wade."

"Are you going to leave me?" His voice sounds completely broken and he refused to face me.

"I- I don't know." I answer truthfully.

Of course in the heat of the moment I jumped at the opportunity to live at Stark Towers, who wouldn't? But the more I thought it over the more guilty I felt for accepting. Wade has been living alone longer than I, with very little people he could actually rely on. I don't want to be another person to break his heart.

"Well I won't stop you if that's what you want." Damn does he always have to be so selfless, it makes choosing so much harder.

"I don't want to leave you alone again." An idea pops into my head and I practically flip with excitement. "I could ask Tony if you can stay at the tower!"


"What!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Tony landed opposite Wade and I, mask flipped up.

"I don't see a problem here. Since I have been living with Wade his unaliving count has gone down by a lot. I trust him." Wade's posture softens making me smile. Not that he can see it because I have a mask on.

"I don't know Peter."

"Please Tony. I don't want him to be alone like I was." I know the guilt card is a low blow, but it is 99% effective. Tony gives me an exasperated look then his mask comes down with a clink.

"Fine! Go get your stuff I will have a room prepared for him by the time you get back." With that he flies of and I jump for joy like a toddler getting ice cream.

"Peter you didn't have to do that for me." Wade says, pulling up his mask.

"Yes I did Wade. You have shown me more kindness in the past week than I have gotten the past year. You deserve a proper home."  I roll up my mask to the bridge of my nose and, fuelled by adrenaline, kiss his cheeks.

If I find out what possessed me to do that I will let you know. He seemed to like it as he turned the same colour as his suit, wearing a goofy smile that made my stomach flip. He pulled me in closer and planted a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Come on Spidey, lets go home."




Ok so I was editing this and now I kinda want to continue it. Or at least add an epilogue. Would that be something you guys would want??

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