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I am in LOVE with these two. They might have been the first couple I shipped from the beginning.

But it was a pretty bumpy ride reading about these two.

First it was the fact that she was engaged to Maven (but I can understand why she would go back and forth. She met one and was engaged to the other) then it was the fact that she used him, used him, used him, got hostile towards him, used him, then admit she loved him, I could go on and on and on...

I find it kinda weird that she hated all Silvers for the first 17 years of her life then shacks up with a pale guy.

At least he stood by her and called her out on her crap. At least she helped him realize that not all Reds are inferior, and made him question his choice being king. (Can I just point out there that I understand why he did that. He thought that it was the only choice he had and his duty was to his father, and he might have been able to do something for Reds.)

Anyway, they are SOOOOO cute together. They run together at the crack of dawn. You can't tell me they don't dance at times in their living room while their kids watch. And I'm pretty sure they do something on Clara's birthday.

But yeah thats my thoughts.

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