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I wasn't sure about this ship from the beginning.

When first read the book, I thought Kilorn was gonna end up with Mare. Then I saw Cal and was like oh, she's gonna end up with him. And then it turns out that she would have to be engaged to Maven and the only thing I could think of was why put him in the way? He means nothing.

But then they actually got to talking and I was just confused. I wanted Mare to end up with Cal, but I was starting to like Maven too. I mean, can you not feel bad for him? But then it wasn't just feeling bad for him, he got along great with Mare, they had a lot in common, so I was really confused.

When Mare willingly gave herself to Maven, I didn't know what to think. There was a chance I would feel sorry for him, and I was right. He's been through a lot, sad backstory, but it will not, will never, ever justify his actions. He tortured her, scrambled her brain—literally—tried to keep her fed but put her in a state of exhaustion, so don't tell me that she could have still—wait. There's a thing called Stockholm Syndrome.

To put it simply, toxic relationship. I cannot like this ship. I will not support a couple that is pretty much like a dog and it's owner.

And Mare wouldn't have been able to cure him. If a whisper cut out parts of his brain, I don't think a mentally tortured girl can fix him.

But yeah, that's my thoughts.

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