Chapter 2: The Shift

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"EVERYONE OUT NOW!!" he shouted to the crowd. They all stared at him with confusion laced in their eyes. "I SAID NOW!" when he said that everyone filed out our backyard.

We went inside to see mom telling Selene to breathe and whispering soothing words to her. I ran to my twin worried off what's happening to her. My father walked towards us with his eyes to their normal color. He picked her up and went outside with me right behind him.

Dad placed her on the grass below the moon telling her to stop fighting it. With those words Selene let out an ear piercing scream.

•{Selene's POV}•

When dad placed me on the grass he told me to stop fighting it. I wanted to ask him what 'it' was but inside I let out an ear piercing scream.

I was in pain. It starts from my spine and slowly spreads throughout my body. I cry out in pain while trying to stand. I fall to my knees while attempting to ignore the pain. It feels like the inside of my body is on fire and my organs are being ripped apart.

I groan out in pain and collapse on the grass. I hear voices but can't make them out. I pass out from exhaustion to see my hands, well at least what used to be my hands. Now they are paws.

I close my eyes again. There's too much pain for me to keep them open. I grit my teeth and try not to cry out in pain when I her my bones start to crack. My efforts are useless because it comes out anyway. It feels like my spine is being broken over and over again.

The pain is too much! I'm gonna die.

That's the last thing I remember before passing out again. This time when I wake up it takes a bit longer for me to open my eyes, but I do my legs are no longer my legs. They are in fact paws. Another wave of pain goes through my body and I'm instantly out.

The next time I woke up the pain wasn't as bad, but it still like my body is on fire. All I can think about is the pain. I stayed awake for a while longer but I still passed out.

The next time I wake up, I felt a lot better. The pain wasn't nearly as bad as last time. It feels like I was run over by a truck and sat on by a elephant; but I don't feel like I'm on fire anymore. This time I manage to stay awake. My body feels really weird, especially my face. I slowly look at myself and see that my whole body is covered in fur.

I look around to see my twin crying in my mom's arms. I tried to stand up but fell back down. I saw my dad slowly approaching me with his hands in the air. When I don't move he crouches down beside me. "Don't worry we will explain everything later on. You have been shifting for a while now. I think it's been around 10 hours."

10 hours. It felt like an eternity!

I turned to face my sister once more and whimpered at the sight of her. I hate seeing my siblings cry. It breaks me to know she's hurting and I can't console her. I tried my best to stand again this time succeeding, I walked over to the pair slightly nudging Selena with my muzzle. She stooped down to my level brushing her hand sin my fur.

"Your fur is so beautiful Selene, I just wish you didn't have to go through so many pain" she sobbed. I whimpered at the sound of my sister crying.

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