2 move to LA

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Second grade was I still thought I was queen bee still popular things happen typical Ty getting ask out from every boy. Second grade summer I moved to LA.

Third grade I didn't like know one. One I just moved there, the teachers there are okay but does favoritism. I have two moms my dad is n jail getting out no time soon. I start to be a class clown, get in trouble.

Fourth grade everyone knows me as the class clown I had quite a lot of friends I was really nice really smart but funny I guess my shyness came along the way.

Fifth grade wow that was the year everything change I started to like my bestfriend. Eww she a gurl*i thought* but I didn't know that was okay you know. I Cane out to my friends they didn't care but there boyfriends threaten n said if I ever tried anything they will hurt me😝 I will still take your girlsss siikkkeee.

A-I'm do the middle school later today or maybe rn idk yet btw Au revoir je t'aime 😍- Dani

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