Season 10 Chapter 2: Heavy Metal

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Fade in to a junkyard in space

U.N.S.C. Scrap Metal Recycling Station / Many Years Ago...

Three ships depart from the station and fly towards the Mother of Invention

Counsellor: Sir, enemy fighters approaching.

Director: Fire at will, Counsellor. Let's send them back to the scrapyard.

The mother of inventions fires a laser at one of the three before firing missiles and turrets at the other two only killing one more.

Counsellor: It appears we are now taking fire.

Director: Release the dropships. Get the team in position.

Anyone else kind of hoping he'd say Kraken there? Anyway- dropships deploy, and we see inside one of them

Pilot: Well that went to Hell quicker than we thought. Out of the frying pan, into the shit.

Carolina: We're going to need a new insertion point. York was supposed to open the Leader's hangar for us.

York comes through on the radio

York: It wasn't my fault!

Carolina: We'll have to settle for the main hangar.

Pilot: Which one is that?

Carolina: The one with the shooting things comin' out at us.

A turret fires at them

Carolina: Never a dull moment, huh?

Pilot: I'd get your team ready; we're gonna come in hot.

Carolina hops down and heads to the back

Carolina: You heard her. We're going for the main hangar, be ready for anything.

North: H-so much for a smooth ride.

South: Heh, what's the matter, feelin' sick?

North: Hey, I'm not the one that needed a barf bag on all our family trips.

Ghost: Both of you be ready.

Washington: How are you feeling? Are you up to this?

Carolina: Say what you wanna say Wash.

Washington: It's just- giving up your A.I. was a big deal. I thought mayb-

Carolina: I'll be fine. Worry about yourself.

South: You're awfully quiet.

C.T.: Oh- just, trying to prepare myself.

South: Hey, worst comes to worst we'll just get kicked off the leaderboard. At least us ladies will be sticking together, right?

Ghost: Don't worry about the stupid leaderboard and get ready.

The ship takes a hit

Pilot: Dammit! Uh- hhh... Opening rear bay.

The Freelancers approach the rear door, and it opens

Carolina: Right! All together! Use your packs sparingly - course correction only. You don't wanna end up like Georgia.

Washington: Wait, what happened to Georgia?

South: Nobody knows, they never found him.

Ghost: AKA he's fucking dead!

Washington: Are you sure these things are safe?

South: Yeah!

North chambers a round in his sniper rifle, and an empty shell pops out in super impressive bullet time - get it?

The Pilot swings the ship around quickly and the Freelancers are propelled from within it towards the hangar

Guard 1: Battle stations! We're under attack!

Guard 2: No shit we're under attack. What do you think we're doing, rolling out the red carpet?

Guard 1: No assface, look!

They see the Freelancers approaching... FROM SPACE

Guard 2: Oh, hell.

Guard 2 drops a rifle and it fires into Guard 1's ...I swear it hit him in the crotch

Guard 2: Not again. Sorry about that.

The Freelancers arrive, North and South drop down first and start firing at the Enemies, while Wash and Carolina fly past them. Wash heads towards the control panel while Carolina goes upwards and throws her gravity hammer downwards knocking everyone back before landing and knocking 10 more away before hitting one in the kroch and in the head, she then hits 10 more away. She continues to kick ass while Wash settles in behind a control panel

Washington: Okay, where's that security override? Come on... dammit!

He hits the panel, and a sign pops up saying ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY DISABLED

Washington: Uh oh. That's not good. Hey guys? Things might get a little ...floaty.

All the guards start to float up into the air and fire their guns and kill each other... fucking idiots...

Washington: Everyone, enable Grav Boots!

North and South proceed to jump up to the floating Jeeps and shoot the floating soldiers. Carolina doesn't activate her grav-boots and hits a jeep with her gravity hammer sending it into 6 guys and another jeep before Carolina jumps off that jeep and goes to another flipping it over and shoots multiple soldiers with her plasma rifles. She then jumps off of the jeep and spins while shooting the soldiers before landing on another jeep just to jump off of it and another, just to land on another car spinning it and firing at even more soldiers before using her gravity hammer to hit it away.

Washington: Okay... okay... got it! I got it!

ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY ENABLED - A jeep comes straight for his head, and he ducks out of the way

Washington: Oh man. Why do cars hate me?

Everything falls haphazardly back to the floor, and Carolina lands gracefully

Carolina: They know we're inside. Wash, North, secure that hallway. South, see if you can access the Leader's location. We don't leave without him.

South: Got it, I'm already on it.

Carolina: Ghost, C.T., get me- Where the hell is Ghost & C.T.?

Cut to C.T. jetpacking around outside the ship. She enters downwards through a hole and walks down a hallway being followed by Ghost

Cut to another room. The door opens, and there's C.T.

Guard: Intruder! Get him!

They fire.

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